2 Messages


80 Points

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 5:36 AM


Someone came to my profile and marked all my reviews unhelpful. Will it have any impact on my future reviews?

So someone came to my profile and marked all my reviews unhelpful. I'm guessing this person must have been offended since I gave a bad review to a movie/show/game that he/she liked, so this person came in a fit of anger and went to my profile and marked all my reviews as unhelpful.

As you can see, all my reviews now say "0 out of 1 users found this review helpful." So will this impact my future reviews, like will my reviews be pushed behind because I'd be seen as an "unhelpful reviewer" or something? And if yes, is there a way to remove this? I always write 4-5 pararaphs long reviews (500+ words) so I don't want my efforts to go waste just because of one immature brat.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi pur__0_0__ -


Please post the link to your IMDb account Activity page for our staff to review the recent down-votes further.


Additionally, rest assured that the current down-votes will not have any effect on your future User Review postings.



2 Messages


80 Points

Here's the link. Puroo's Profile - IMDb

I have written a bunch of reviews since then so those reviews have gone a little down.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi pur__0_0__ -

Apologies for the delayed reply.  Thanks for posting the additional account information,  upon investigating your User Reviews and the Helpful/Unhelpful votes, the initial down-voting you reported appears to have been an isolated issue.

Please keep an eye and if you are seeing mass unhelpful votes on an individual User Review, such as "0 out of 30 found this helpful", then please report the occurrence and our staff will investigate further.