4 Messages


110 Points

Saturday, May 29th, 2021 7:17 PM


Some ideas about Year - Language Original - Ref in URL

I want send some feedback and suggestions:

Please, can you  update the section Language, and put the Original Language or principal language.
I no have interest in dubbed language...
For example Inglourious Basterds (2009)  have many languages, but the principal and original is English

Homo Faber or Voyage, I dont no if the original language  is german or english (is german)

I dont no why show many languages in Homo Faber (1991), and I think is important show the language in the superior part
Where is the time and age restriction for example:
1991 13 1h 57min Germany German

Or better:

Homo Faber (1991)

13 1h 57min Germany German

One movie data base and no is available easy the country or countries and original language,
I need search in wikipedia, google, etc

And I like have the year alongside the title like the ol version
for example: Homo Faber (1991) i think is better than in little letters down

Some thing I no like is the ref in the url
The same url have different refs, that no is good when I want save as favorite the url, so, why no quit all the ref
No is important have it in the url, and no is good for the user, just put

If no like make this changes for all, maybe can make this available for users,
If I am login let me set how I like watch the information how I like, and the links without ref

I hope one person can read and forward to developers and make changes, I another suggestions to google and others, and was accepted
answer me, i am system analyst

Many thanks,


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