filmsmearing's profile

7 Messages


252 Points

Monday, March 22nd, 2021 1:25 PM

Smear Campaign

These users are running smear campaigns against multiple films. 

The Users TopDawgCritic, YoungGrasshopper2469, Ralph-13152, and Mr. Blockbuster write the same reviews for the same titles over and over again. We believe they have at least 12 accounts for the same user. 

This is for films starting back in 2019 to films rated TODAY such as Cosmos, Army of One, The Serpent, Redemption Day, Adverse and Insight.

Their first review of Cosmos in 2019:

TopDawgCritic22 November 2019
Too long + boring = snoozefest
Don't get tricked like I did, this film is not even close to a 10, and it's sad to see the daily fake 9 and 10/10's from new users only rating this film.

Mr_Blockbuster4 November 2020 (now changed to YoungGrasshopper2469)
Total garbage
How is this even allowed? So, 511 reviews, and pretty much every one above a 6/10 is a new account, thus fake. Dear film makers, that's pretty pathetic, please stop. Trying to fool your audience with deception just makes yous desperate for validation. Instead of spending over a year constantly posting these lame reviews, go to film school.

ralph-1315211 November 2019
I fell asleep!
Wow what a bore! I fell asleep! This film is riddled with fake reviews... it's a shame the brothers felt that was more important (to fool the viewers) than up the production somehow. The only thing I liked was the score!

Cut to TODAY on Insight:

Mr_Blockbuster14 March 2021 (now changed to YoungGrasshopper2469)
The shill reviews are more entartainimg
Another member pointed out all the fake 8, 9 and 10s, so just today, 19 more reviews were posted all 6 and 7s lol.

ralph-1315215 March 2021
Are the Zhengs really that dumb?
Do they really think people will believe all these phony high reviews anything above a 5? Like anyone is going to believe that lmao. Can the Zhengs make it any more obvious even they don't have any faith in their production to resort to such clearly obvious shill reviews? And Ken Zheng really needs to take acting classes. And who the hell is "Sean Patrick Flanery HAS BLACK BELT" by TexasGirl99? Sean Patrick Flanery is not even in this movie numbnuts. Oops smh

TopDawgCritic14 March 2021
Brother and sister team Zheng give us false hope
Newb filmmakers and siblings Ken and Livi Zheng produced, directed, wrote and choreographed this film, with Ken also starring - which was his biggest mistake.

DETAILED SCREENSHOTS HAVE BEEN MADE OF THESE USERS. Please investigate - they are not honest reviewers. 

Links to accounts:
YoungGrasshopper2469 (formerly known as Mr_Blockbuster)





1.2K Messages


34.1K Points

3 years ago

Hi Elliot, thanks for reaching out to us here. Please continue to communicate with us via our private message system regarding this, and please note that as has been noted, we do not remove reviews that do not violate the guidelines listed on our site.