MovieCat's profile

569 Messages


10.7K Points

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024 2:37 AM



Slow submission acceptance times over the past week or so?

I've noticed that it's taking significantly longer these past few days to get submissions/image uploads approved?

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

7 months ago

Well, there are lots of holidays in June.

569 Messages


10.7K Points

@jeorj_euler​ I can't believe they let people have time off here. ;)



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

7 months ago

Hi @MovieCat -

You can look at our processing times page, if you feel a submission is taking too long to be processed please let us know here.


812 Messages


15.6K Points

7 months ago

It happens often when there's a change to the site, when my instantly processed items get stuck for hours, I look out for what's changed on the site, so far I've only noticed the 'All Credits' buttons of both pop-ups has gone and there's a new one on main page where I previously said it should be, only it no longer takes you to the page you might be familiar with, just opens up all sections on the current page.



7.4K Messages


180.9K Points

@VonPunk​ It’s an interesting theory, but not actually correct, sorry.  While the front-end of the site and apps depend on data being approved and published in order to display it, they are otherwise separate systems run by different IMDb teams. There’s a clean API separating them. 

Adding or removing links or site features has no impact on the processing of pending contributions. Very occasionally a system change may bridge both the front-end and the back-end, but such changes are rare due to the amount of coordination required between teams (largely in different countries and timezones).  Rarely an hour goes by with the same software running on the front-end because we are continually deploying improvements or fixing bugs across a huge number of front-end systems. 

Hope this helps. 



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@VonPunk​ Hi! You can see our announcement for that on this thread.


812 Messages


15.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ Yeah, thanks, it's interesting to know, I've been spending years trying to figure out why little things happen, must be coincidental that these things matched up so often and gave me wrong impression.

I've noticed doing contributions all hours of the day that sometimes they hang briefly at certain times of the day as well, used to be at around 6:30 - 7:00 gmt at both am & pm, Is this a thing? I used to joke it was the shift change over but wondered if it was a brief pause for a server back up or something.


812 Messages


15.6K Points

6 months ago

Processing got stuck again last night (early hours of this morning) for an hour and when it restarted, the old 'all credits' function was back, now you can see why I had that theory.