marianna_7754608's profile

5 Messages


162 Points

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 9:51 PM


"Script Supervisor" should be their own category

A Script Supervisor is an integral part of the Film Crew of each production. They are considered a Department head. 

For years IMDB has kept the Script Supervisor position under "miscellaneous". 

Every Crew I have spoken to doesn't understand why would Script Supervisors,--a Dept. head be listed under "Miscellaneous" which includes a position, for example as Production Assistant? 

Assistant Directors, Sound, Makeup, Wardrobe all get their own category. Script Supervisors deserve to be their own category as well. 

I hope that IMDB will make this change so that Productions can add us to where we belong. 

Note: there is a petition which currently has over 2700 signatures. That surely shows that this is something that is needed. 

Thank you, 



4.6K Messages


236.3K Points

9 years ago

They're not currently adding any new categories until, at least, the system is updated to allow it.  I am not sure that would be one of the first added, if that day ever arrives.

A petition won't change that...I don't know why people think such a thing works...

They'll either do it because it's needed or they won't.  They won't redesign the site because someone started a petition...especially when IMDb already started this forum here because it already includes a "petition for change feature" in its "idea" category which allows staff to gauge interest in an idea.  I think it's safe to say that everyone in any job also thinks they should have their own category.  I find it odd and more than a little sad that people only think of themselves and never seem to say, "all jobs should have their own category," instead of "I should have my own..."  But there ya go...that's the world we live in.

That said, you might vote support for one of the active discussions rather than starting a new one and spreading them all over the site where others might not see and vote for them...and so the votes are all divided between all of them.

If you want, I can change this to an idea thread. Otherwise, it's not a problem that needs to be fixed because the features work as intended and there is no plan to change that, at this time. A "problem" thread would be, "When I create a new list, the titles all show up in Chinese," or something that isn't behaving as it should, etc.

Or, you can add comment and a vote to:

Note the official response in this first one:

And on and on...I assume the spider wranglers are working on a petition as we speak.

But, it's far more logical to petition staff here where they'll actually see the comments, rather than go off on some other site...and you'll get actual discussion, comments from staff and even explanations that might make sense and let you know the why's, how's etc.

Good luck!

(oops...I thought I saw it was marked as a "problem," you've either covered that part or someone already corrected that for you)