dionosaur's profile

3 Messages


100 Points

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017 4:43 AM


Saying there's a twist is a SPOILER

I have a suggestion. I find it frustrating and annoying, that some people can be inconsiderate and say "there's a twist" in the movie, in their review. Then they post it without a spoiler warning.

Well saying there's a twist, even if you don't say what the twist is, is a big spoiler in itself! Then all the time I'm watching the movie, I'm distracted by the fact that I'm waiting for a twist, and wondering what it's going to be.

This is so obvious, that I can't believe it has to be explained to some reviewers. If there's a twist, then button it up! You don't have to blurt it out and tell people.

Reviewers that post reviews with this kind of spoiler, and other spoilers, without warning, should be warned once, and if they blow it again, BANNED. I enjoy the fact that IMDB takes spoiler warnings seriously-- unlike Rotten Tomatoes, who often have spoilers right in the plot synopsis.

It would be great if IMDB had something in their system, that detects certain words, before a review can be posted.  If the word "twist" occurs in the review, then warn the reviewer before posting, or automatically flag it as containing spoilers.
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