MykolaYeriomin's profile



4K Messages


244.3K Points

Monday, August 29th, 2022 2:53 PM



Routine cast correction according to IMDb guidelines rejected twice

A routine correction, made according to IMDb cast guidleines in Wild Zero (1999) was rejected first as a part of extended edit (#220827-205611-879000) and then on its own (#220828-201019-908000).

It is a change of "Self" listings which I do often, because at one point in IMDb's history person portraying themselves could have been listed as "Self" but then rules were changed to make "Self" restricted (very nearly exclusively) to non-fiction portryalas, while all other cases should be accordinglly listed as acting, with name repeated in the role field. A lot of the remants of previous rule variant are still there to be discovered and whenever I see that I correct that according to IMDb guidelines. 

Both times edit was rejected as "Unable to Verify". I am really puzzled as to what person/algorithm who rejected it was unable to verify, exactly. IMDb's own rules?.. 

Accepted Solution



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

2 years ago

Hi @nikolay_yeriomin -

Thanks for posting the relevant submission details, these credit updates have now been approved and the changes should be live on the site shortly.




4K Messages


244.3K Points

@Michelle​ Greatest thanks! Much appreciated!