gary_gemmell_4k3tm4jnu2tkg's profile

14 Messages


474 Points

Monday, June 7th, 2021 10:16 PM


Reviews getting more and more declined for PC reasons - Free speech is gone

IMDB has become increasingly unpopular due to this as it seems to have become victim of the politically correct movement but are not so quick to remove the paid shill reviews - I also notice that reviews i have posted years ago have been removed recently so it seems as if a producer or a few disgruntled fans complain then you can have your work removed!

Would be interesting to know after how many people have complained does that merit removal - 1 , 2 3 and who decides?

A lot of regular reviewers i notice have moved over to Rotten Tomatoes as it doesnt seem to be as pc?

14 Messages


474 Points

3 years ago

Ok here is my latest review of army of the dead - where is the problem?

With the word Lesbo or multi-ethnic or woke i presume? All perfectly fine to me and accurate if you have seen the film or would you prefer lesbian as opposed to lesbo it is just lesbo-copter sounds better than lesbian-copter and with my sister being gay i can hardly be called homophobic? So PC now its a joke you cant even have humour and you are now forced into doing what the PC brigade want you to which means there is no fun, no joy, no honest reviews anymore - This is what happened in Nazi Germany in 1935 seems George Orwell was right!
I have checked the rules many times and often havent a clue where i have broken them - it is obvious they are using a word filter to stop reviews but its strange as i can point out some really quite dodgy reviews which seem to get past the censor on many films especially ones that are quite hardcore such as Baise Mois or Serbian Film etc!

"As a massive fan of the genre and with the director being of one of my favourite zombie films aka Dawn Of The Dead (2004), I think every fan of the genre was really looking forward to this and sadly we are all as gutted as some of the zombies on the show!

 The main complaint is putting Bautista in as the lead, he simply cannot act or pull off any role other than the sidekick; he was great in Riddick but he simply is not in the league of actors like Ving Rhames, Arnold Schwarzenneger or any of the actors we enjoy watching as the lead kick-ass character. At times you can hardly make out what he says as he, emotionally bereft, mumbles and stumbles his way through this almost FPV game conversion of the computer game "Zombie Island".

Stir in the by now standard, annoying, woke ingredients with Cigar chewing, lesbo-copter pilot and multi-ethnic cast; there is creating an interesting character and then there is just plain dumb casting decisions and this film exemplifies just about the worst casting of any movie this year, with almost every single character being totally out of place and unbelievable, they even had to stir in the Zombie Tiger so utterly obviously ripped off of The King's Tiger in the Walking Dead series; so unoriginal and out of place and to make matters worse they then rip off the evil zombie; once again quite obviously stolen from the excellent Will Smith "I Am Legend" zombie film which all makes this unoriginal CGI overload crash and burn HARD!

I still enjoyed it accepting it as bubblegum for the eyes, so am as always fair in my reviews and give it a slightly above average 6 hatchets on the horror scale but to say i am disappointed is an understatement and perhaps this is why it went straight to Netflix rather than the cinema and an indication that the Zombie genre is completely as finished as the series The Walking Dead has become - A very sad day indeed for us fans!!!"



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi gary_gemmell_4k3tm4jnu2tkg -

In reviewing your text above, I believe your review was flagged on the use of the word "lesbo" (as you suspected), aside from the use of this term, which is considered an offensive, there was nothing wrong with your review. 

I encourage you to adjust the text within your original submission to omit this term and re-submit, our editors will then take another look.


14 Messages


474 Points

@Michellew What is the difference between lesbian-copter and lesbo-copter - this pandering to the liberal pc minority is destroying free speech and confining everything to one limited range of opinions soon we will all have special names!