Horst's profile

421 Messages


14.3K Points

Thursday, January 31st, 2019 6:13 PM


Review uploaded and accepted, but it says no reviews on title page

Just one of several examples:

The user reviews button up at he top of the page is written in gray letters as if there was no review. On the bottom of the page, there is also no indication that one review exists for this title. I know it is not displayed on the title page if it contains spoilers, but so far you could still select seeing the review by clicking on the button. Not anymore. Any change I have missed out on. By the way, the review is displayed correctly via https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7107276/reviews
What's going on?

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17K Messages


308.8K Points

5 years ago

Hi Horst -

I'm not certain if this display is due to the existing review containing Spoilers or if there is a numerical review requirement needed for the "User Review" link to be hyperlinked.  I have reached out to the appropriate team to confirm, as soon as I have clarification from them I will share the information here.

421 Messages


14.3K Points

5 years ago

Thank you Michelle.

14 Messages


444 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Can't see my reviews on some tv series pages.

So basically I don't see my reviews on some tv series pages because I am normally the only one that has reviewed the pages and when I go into other pages that have like hundreds of reviews, I can see my own reviews perfectly! Is this how IMDB going now? Seeing your review only if there are more reviews involved too? It was never like this, I'd normally see "1 user" after submitting my review and now, there's nothing appearing there. Can someone fix this please??



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

5 years ago

These two cases are related (and there's a ticket open to address).  It is because the only review on the affected titles is tagged as containing a spoiler so it is not eligible for display on the main page but this also causes the various review links to access it to be shown as inactive.

6 Messages


482 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled One of my reviews is not appearing.

I wrote a review for a TV episode, but it is not appearing on the page for that episode even though it is appearing on my reviews page. Can someone help? I can provide the link if needed.

6 Messages


482 Points

5 years ago

Beaver and Poncho

Season 1, Episode 23


4 Messages


152 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Review approved, but not appearing on title page.

My review of "Mihkel" was approved a week ago, but the movie's title page has no reviews -- mine or anyone else's. What could be going on with that?

2 Messages


154 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled My review is not visible on the film page.

Hi, I wrote a review for "Crowhurst" (2017), but it's only available on my personal account, not on the film page itself. Is this something that can be fixed?


3 Messages


122 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Why has my review for Trompie (1975), which was approved on 2/4/2019 not publish....

2 Messages


172 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled My IMDB review has been approved but does not appear.

Hi, my review has been approved but does not appear with the title being reviewed.
The IMBD title number is tt5603976. My review is dated April 25, 2019 and the review control number is #190425-014832-442004. I've received no notification that my review was rejected.
Please advise
Robt Shasta