9 Messages


170 Points

Wednesday, December 21st, 2022 1:50 AM


Review keeps getting deleted for no reason

I submitted this review 3 times and they keep removing it for no reason:
"Your contribution has been declined. We did not capture a specific reason during processing."
I don't understand why this review keeps getting deleted. The first time they allowed it and it appeared in the reviews then it got removed, the second time it was declined it right away and the third time it made it on the reviews for a couple days then they removed it again. This is so annoying. Only thing I can think of is I mention politics but if a show puts that material in there then I should be allowed to say it in my review. Even if the moderators disagree with my political views, the shouldn't just ban a legit review because it doesn't match their own.  There doesn't appear to be any specific guidelines for the moderators either, how can it be approved be a some and then deleted by others?  
Here is my review, there is nothing racist, sexist, hateful, etc. I fail to see what is so horrible it must be removed.
"This could've been an enjoyable show but of course Netflix needs to throw in some typical American bashing leftism. Naturally the Pilgrims are evil, land stealing, genocidal religious fanatics.
Apparently the Addams family are Native Americans? What? Why can't anyone write a halfway decent story anymore without having to throw in politics? The show looked like it could've gone in an interesting direction but nope, turns out the members of the Addams family were burned alive by Pilgrims who stole their land. I couldn't finish the series, the America bashing was too in your face and quite ridiculous."



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi @mrtom1982 -

Can I have the 18-digit submission reference for the review?


9 Messages


170 Points

@Bethanny​  Here are the reference numbers. I tried 3 times, the top number is the most recent, bottom is my first attempt. Thanks!






5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@mrtom1982​ Hi!

The review does not focus on the title content and was reported by another user, we have decided to delete it as it is breaching our policies.

Please rewrite the review sticking to our policies and resubmit.


9 Messages


170 Points

 How is writing a review regarding the political content in the show not focusing on the title content? The pilgrims in my review are from the show, the origin of the Addams family is from the show. What policy is this breaching? You say to rewrite my review sticking to the policies, what part of my review is breaching the policy?




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@mrtom1982​ Political comments are not focusing on the title's content. 


9 Messages


170 Points

But the show contains political content.... My review is about the political content in the show. How is commenting on content in the show not focusing on content in the show? 

9 Messages


170 Points

2 years ago

My review keeps getting deleted. I was told that it doesn't focus on the title content, which it clearly does and then I was told that political content doesn't focus on the title content even though my review was about the political content in the show. I've updated my review and removed political party information and yet it has been deleted again with no explanation. What policy is my review specifically violating? This review was approved by someone, then two days later someone else decided to delete it. It clearly didn't violate any rules when I posted it or it wouldn't have been approved and I didn't edit it so why can't it stay up? 

Review: #221221-175026-774604

This could've been an enjoyable show but of course Netflix needed to throw in their typical America bashing agenda. Naturally the Pilgrims are evil, land stealing, genocidal religious fanatics.

Apparently the Addams family are Native Americans? Why can't anyone write a halfway decent story anymore without having to throw in politics? The show looked like it could've gone in an interesting direction but nope, turns out the members of the Addams family were burned alive by Pilgrims who stole their land. I couldn't finish the series, the America bashing was too in your face and quite ridiculous.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Why was this review deleted, again, for the fourth time with no explanation