imdbmember's profile

226 Messages


9.3K Points

Monday, October 11th, 2021 3:55 AM

No Status

Review Deleted - Staff Please Review

Would Michelle or another member of IMDb staff please review this deleted review and either repost it or inform me on what the problem is.


I don't believe it's objectionable, as I wouldn't have posted it otherwise.  It's been a spell since one of my reviews was deleted.  Funny, too, because the review section for this title is a cesspool even by IMDb standards, and I think it should be obvious that mine was relatively restrained.  I assume that's what got it flagged--it not being an utter partisan hack piece.  You might be well advised to check on the other activities of the user who flagged it.  Anyways, let me know and thanks.

466 Messages


8.5K Points

3 years ago

Thanks for your post.


Please review this guideline here:

  • Do not include personal opinions on real life events or subject matter on which a film is based.

Feel free to re-submit an amended version.


Thanks for your understanding.


226 Messages


9.3K Points

3 years ago

No, I quit.  I'm tired of these vague, inconsistently applied and unaccountable guidelines and reviews being deleted without notification or specificity.  It's not worth it.

I've been posting reviews on IMDb since January 2004--had a good run there at least.

60 Messages


1.9K Points

3 years ago

I have had reviews "declined" because of excessive "opinion on real life events or subject matter on which film is based".  This is especially difficult when a film is heavily based on an historical event. My review of a film about philosopher Hannah Arendt was never approved after three attempts because I could not review the film without "excessively" commenting on the historical events upon which the movie was based. In the end, I had to accept IMDb's determination and moved on. Just could not write a review of the film without heavily focusing on the historical events. Don't give up! 

226 Messages


9.3K Points

3 years ago

I appreciate the encouragement, but I've already been using Letterboxd as my primary site for reviewing movies for the last couple years, and it's just much more engaging and rewarding and without the hassle of vague, inconsistent IMDb editors enforcing these arbitrary guidelines.  I've complained about the site's direction here and there for years now, but it's clear IMDb doesn't care, so I'm done with trying to get into the heads of the editors to understand how they interpret the rules so as to censor myself to ever-varying degrees just to post a redacted review on a site where it's unlikely to even be read.

This was just the last straw and a striking one given the activity surrounding the title, the Fauci documentary.  Inconsistently enforced guidelines, as I said and as I would think anyone could see on that page, and striking that mine was deleted and these other ones remain.  If that's what IMDb wants, that's their problem--not mine anymore.  Thanks, though.