matt_thomas_1nc7k83hpakcd's profile

43 Messages


686 Points

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 8:35 AM



I have successfully submitted some 75 reviews since the last time this happened, but once again I'm stumped.  Does anyone have any ideas why this is being rejected?

The plot is one of a typical haunted island with a stilted script so bad the lines are impossible, even for decent actors, to deliver convincingly. There's one notable frenzied sequence of quick-cutting, blood splattering, and a woman constantly screaming bloody murder over all the mayhem, which deserves credit. Otherwise, I think the main appeal is the multiple instances of sex between members of the attractive cast, showing off both men's and women's nubile chests and rear ends, one in particular which would not be out of place in hardcore pornography.

Once most of the nubile bodies have been killed off, it's time for fun with the effects. You'll notice the only location mentioned here on imdb is Shepperton Studios. Apart from a few exterior set-up shots, it's entirely filmed on some of the tackiest sets you'll ever see. "Stone" walls, where the "stones" are obviously outlined and painted on fiberboard, caverns with plastic stalactites, suspiciously all clustered around an altar to the island's evil spirit, clearly not the result of millions of years of mineral water deposits, and the island's grotesquely comical monster in residence. Don't expect anything to live up to the false advertising of that scary-looking green ghoul on the "Tower of Evil" poster.. .

In terms of the art of cinema, I cannot, in all good conscience, rate this any higher, but in terms of some sexy idiotic fun, it's a winner.

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