46 Messages


358 Points

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 9:24 AM


Review Bombing

Dear IMDb

As a long time user of this site, it seems that this site has no protection against review bombing and as such it's ratings are very unreliable. The users simply rate episodes 2/10 instead of 1/10 to avoid rating protection

Some recent victims of these are Attack on Titan and One Piece episodes

Some groups on discord with thousands of users decided to review bomb both shows overnight and it is working massively

An Attack on Titan episode which was 9.9/10 for the past 3 years has been review bombed to 9.8/10 in just one night. From being in top 3 episodes of all time on IMDB to being out of the top 20:


The latest episode of Attack on Titan which was also 9.7/10 has been bombed to 9.6 in just one night


The users are on Twitter and discord bragging about how they've figured out how to review bomb the shows by rating it 2/10 instead of 1/10...

Some users have created over 300 accounts to get the ratings of all episodes below 9/10

But it's a shame that the rating protection on this site has not been improved to protect ratings against bots and new accounts

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Review Bombing One Piece Episode 1074

713 Messages


7.9K Points

1 year ago

I don't know who is more petty and bored; the rating bombers who boast about getting an episode down from 9.9 to 9.8; or the fanboys who complain about it. 😂

46 Messages


358 Points

@NYVKE​ it's actually bad if a site like this has no way to protect ratings. How can it's reviews be trusted if it's so easy to review bomb.

I check IMDB ratings before deciding whether to watch any movie or show and many people do too.

Ozymandias was once bombed to Oblivion until fans informed IMDB and it was restored. Same privilege should go to other shows too.

And it's only the beginning because these review bombers created a discord channel solely to review bomb shows on IMDB and in just one day, it's been working massively. 

713 Messages


7.9K Points

Okay okay,

I'm sure they will do something to sort it out.

46 Messages


358 Points

@NYVKE​ yes, IMDB should be able to detect sudden large activity on older shows and episodes. Episodes that are 3 years old getting a sudden large number of 2/10 should raise a flag.