ElMaruecan82's profile

5.1K Messages


137.9K Points

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 6:51 AM


Review approved but not published yet?


I submitted the following review # 210406-145542-210604

It got approval a few hours ago and yet it doesn't appear on my reviews' page.

Should I wait a little longer?


39 Messages


1.5K Points

3 years ago

I tried to resubmit yesterday (after a full week had passed) but it was denied because it had already been approved--but still not posted.  So I changed the wording this morning and resubmitted it again and it took.  If the old one ever appears I guess I will just have to delete it.  Oh well, maybe IMDb was going through an update or something and our reviews got lost somewhere? 

5.1K Messages


137.9K Points

I wanted to try that (I often do that when a submission takes more time than expected) ... I don't know why it wasn't published. Funny that's the second time it occurs to me since last month and both issues concerned movies from 1956 lol

5.1K Messages


137.9K Points

And it worked :)