front_row_reviews's profile

180 Messages


5.3K Points

Monday, August 24th, 2020 1:07 PM


Request To Have Helpful "No" Button Removed

I would like to lobby for the removal of the "No" button when we are asked this question for each review that is posted.  I feel that it serves no purpose whatsoever.  People will try to manipulate things by clicking on the "No" so that their review will get better placement in the rankings.  Whether it really affects it or not is inconsequential.  It is the fact that they believe it will, so they click on it.  Or, the Haters will be "hatin'".  All we need is the "Yes" button.  That is good enough indication.  The "Report This" is already there, so if there is anything inappropriate, it can still be reported and looked at.  And besides, the phrasing isn't right either.  "Was this review helpful to you?" is for those who have yet to see the movie, but the voters are primarily those who have already seen the movie.  So, perhaps a change of phrasing ... "Do you agree with this review?"  Yes No.  But, then again, we would still have the same issue with the haters and the manipulators.  This current system is being abused.

My suggestion/idea is to completely remove the "No" button, and leave only the "Yes" in place.  Or, change it to simply, "Like".  If the readers like your review, they can click it.  It they don't, then obviously, they wouldn't click it.

Thank you!

17 Messages


680 Points

4 years ago

I can like a review, or find it helpful, without agreeing with it.  And indeed, if I haven't seen the movie, I'm not in a position to agree or disagree but I can say whether the review helped me to get a feel for the movie or not (and it's good that reviews can do that).  However, I do agree that the No button may do more harm than good.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

4 years ago

? ?
Was this review helpful? [Yes] [No]

IF a Review gets ___ "No"s  will it be removed ?

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

? ?
Just some top Reviewers
Sun Jun 8 2003 - 24,469 Reviews
Fri Jan 30 2009 - 17,655 Reviews

Sun Jun 15 2003 - 16,834 Reviews

Sat Nov 25 2006 - 16,429 Reviews
May 2000 - 14,137 Reviews

80 Messages


4.7K Points

4 years ago

I actually do agree with this but if people don't that's fine. This idea is going to divide people. People are more than entitled to disagree with a review and have reasons for doing so, so long as it is not spite. They shouldn't be stifled. However, the non helpful button is definitely being abused, especially now since the user review layout changed. Namely targeting individual users and down-voting a big number of reviews and in some cases more than once, in a short period of time. It is also suspicious when it's a review for non-recent titles and when none of the other reviews for each title have this done to them. Speaking as somebody (I wish to not reveal my user name or profile as of now here) who has been having my reviews frequently spammed with non-helpfuls for the past two years for inexplicable reasons in those same suspicious circumstances. Such as 0 out of 10 for a 40s cartoon within minutes when the review was only a few hours old.

I have actually done my best to ignore it, move on and not talk about it anymore for the past 9 months publicly, but it recently got really bad and has made me not feel appreciated or welcome anymore. It is not that there is a non helpful button in the first place that is bothering me and some downvotes every now and again are expected. It's the abuse of it that is the problem in my case and in other people's cases too, a few other prolific reviews have had this happen to them. For example, using this as an example and not talking about me, up to a couple of hundred reviews (few for recent titles) downvoted each time of the 30 plus times it's happened, in just one night, and with up to 0 out of 5 for example by the end of the week for most of them is not normal. By all means there are people that abuse the yes button as well, but from what I have seen the no button is abused much more.

180 Messages


5.3K Points

4 years ago

I appreciate your comment.  Thank you.  If you look at the way it is structured here, in the Community, we can "Like" someone's comment ... and that's it.  To be quite honest, the Helpful "Yes" or "No" buttons would make more sense for in here!  We post a question for help, clarification, or an idea.  Was the resulting answer, comment helpful?  THAT would work in here.  But, just for someone's review on the website?  Doesn't make any sense to me.  All we need over there is just the "Like" option, as it is in here.  That "no" for helpful really is being abused.

I personally don't care if I am a top reviewer.  I don't care if I am on anyone's list.  However, the thought that some person in a bad mood or disposition, can pull up my reviews list and just methodically go down it and click on "no" all the way down for no reason at all irks me.  This system is tainted and does not work.  Again, in my honest opinion.

60 Messages


1.9K Points

front row: as I explain below, this just happened to me.  The person voted "unhelpful" to 10 of my recent reviews and then somehow changed 2 previous "helpful" votes to "unhelpful".  Can't imdb trace the user? I would like to know what I wrote that angered this person so much. Usually, it is triggered by a negative review but not always.  This seems to inhibit reviewers from writing negative reviews, which is bad.

5 Messages


170 Points

4 years ago

I 100% agree with this. If a review is helpful, let people praise it. If a review is not helpful, then ignore it, move on. Nobody's forcing you to agree with it, or even like it.

Furthermore, the "helpful" is often confused for "agree", thus leading to some of the top reviews on countless movies receiving literally hundreds of "no's" despite the fact that they give people every possible bit of information and are well-written, simply because people who dislike the film (or are just haters) press"no."

@front_row_reviews put it perfectly: either remove the "no" button completely and just leave the "yes", or (even better) just change the button to "like" (with no dislike). This way, the unhelpful reviews will still be at the bottom (because they won't get votes), and the helpful ones will still be at the top.

189 Messages


6K Points

4 years ago

I think Karen is right.  There is a distinct difference between not agreeing with a review and not finding it helpful.  A lot of reviewers will write two or three sentences, saying (to make up an example) that a film is just stupid, promotes the (liberal/conservative) agenda, and was a waste of the viewer's time.  I find that completely unhelpful to decide whether I want to see it, and I hope IMDb will continue to let us flag it so.


And although it does not apply to Bethany's reviews, which have meaningful content (I looked once, out of curiosity), if I find a review like the one I just described, I will indeed go to that user's profile, look at a page or two of the others, and indicate whether any of them would be helpful to me.  Usually not... but there have been a few times when I voted "helpful" no matter how useless the other 24 on the page were.

60 Messages


1.9K Points

4 years ago

I usually vote "helpful" for reviews that are carefully written and intelligent, regardless of my agreement or not with the reviewer rating.  If I can't understand the review or if it is very poorly worded, I will vote "unhelpful". If a reviewer does not sufficiently explain why he or she likes or dislikes a movie, I will usually vote "unhelpful". I hope that my reviews are not in this category. I try to justify my opinion, although I may not succeed all the time.


I just discovered that an IMDb user voted at least 10 of my most recent reviews as "unhelpful" all at once during the past few days. I don't know if IMDb can track this user because I would like to know why this person found all of these recent reviews as "unhelpful".  I must have really angered the person with one of the reviews.  What prevents another user from totally trashing me on IMDb?


60 Messages


1.9K Points

Thanks. Karen.  Your comments are always helpful. I vote you "helpful"! It's too bad that IMDb can't trace at least some of these abusers, but I don't know if this is realistic.  Good film reviewers should not be discouraged from posting their reviews.  Bad film reviewers are another matter, and I don't mean reviewers with whom I agree or disagree.  I have read many reviews with which I disagree but still respect.  This is a very subjective business, and, as my mom used to say, "if we all agreed with each other and liked the same things, it would be a boring world, and we would spend half of our lives waiting on some line (cue in British)."  Regards, Frank W.

189 Messages


6K Points

4 years ago

I would also respectfully point out that in terms of biasing the results, people seem to "misuse" the "helpful-yes" as much as the no, at least judging by the many one- or two-line reviews that pop up to the top of some titles' lists.

60 Messages


1.9K Points

I agree, Nick.  As Karen (I think) earlier pointed out, the younger generations tend to "like" what they agree with, disregarding the intelligent content of the review or the ability with which it is written.

74 Messages


2.8K Points

4 years ago

I noticed this recently on a review that I was copying and pasting to a word document I keep of my reviews. It was a major classic title so I figured somehow it was just discovered. But a bunch of reviews for very obscure films written in the days before it were also voted down, one of them for a film that didn't have any other reviews. So it's apparent that someone is doing it purposely in a silent stalking way. Pretty idiotic and pointless so it reflects on their mentality (or lack of it), not me. I don't give deliberately cruel people power so let them try their worst. My self esteem is stronger than their lack of brain cells.