1 Message


70 Points

Tuesday, October 18th, 2022 4:38 PM



Reporting hateful movies

I see people discussing reporting reviews on here for hateful content, but what if the movies themselves contain hateful content? I have identified a trove of movies  listed here for review, many of which have relatively positive reviews (likely a result of a coordinated effort from hate groups), that are listed on this website. Is there a protocol to report these and possibly get them removed? There’s essentially an entire genre of movies on here that are essentially neo-Nazi propaganda, WWII revisionism, and anti-Semitic hate content. These include Europa: The Last Stand and The Greatest Story Never Told, but a slew of other movies exist to be reviewed on this platform, including ones dedicated to “exposing” the “Jewish globalist threat” and they’re being used to radicalize people. Is there anything we can do?



500 Messages


42.2K Points

2 years ago

IMDb's aim is to list all eligible audiovisual works. As long as a title is eligible to be listed and was made in compliance with applicable laws, we will list information about it. This may result in the inclusion of works featuring content that some (or even most) people would find distasteful, offensive or reprehensible.

Some of these works may have historical value/significance, while others may not, but we do not delete accurate and eligible information/titles from the site based solely on the topic they cover or the viewpoints they promote.

We try to identify this content via the use of appropriate descriptors like plot summaries and keywords (see here for an example). If you become aware of titles that are lacking appropriate keywords or plot outlines to help highlight this content, we would welcome your contributions to add the missing information and make users aware of their subject matter.

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Is IMDB even aware that they've become a platform for promoting obvious, unapologetic nazi propaganda? While every trace of this has been removed from EVERY serious platform, IMDB continues to offer these neo nazis a forum in which they can discuss how much they agreed with the holocaust. Why does stuff like this still exist here? Does IMDB support the nazi legacy? 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Europa: The Final Battle