2 Messages


80 Points

Monday, August 26th, 2024 12:04 AM


reporting a fake account (please help)

hi. i think someone has made a false account under my name, and put some stuff i've made under that profile. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16098550/

is there a way i can get this fake account taken down? i have never made an imdb account in this way and it bothers me that it exists, under my name, without my consent.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

24 days ago

Hi @inafinity -

If there is incorrect data listed on your IMDb page, you are welcome to request the applicable corrections/deletions through our online Contribution form.  For more information on how to submit updates I encourage you to review our Help Guide.

However, please keep in mind that it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records.  I can confirm that the titles listed on your page do exist ("Something like nothing" & "American cicadas - Japanese Girl") and we will not remove these title listings from the site.

2 Messages


80 Points

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for your prompt help!

I guess I'm still uneasy about not being able to have the page removed. While the information on it is factual (those two videos), the representation of them on IMDb is not—in the sense that, I'm not sure I want them to officially be marked as films in this way. In part because they are projects I made all by myself, and so it feels a bit self-gratuitous to mark them as official films, and to title myself as the titles that whoever made the account has listed me as ("Writer," "Director," "Cinematographer") when right now I'm just myself, nothing official. 

I suppose it also makes me uneasy that this page online under my name can't be removed. But this might be me misunderstanding how IMDb as a platform works? I see that it is community-oriented in the sense that people can make edits and add credits and such. But I think I'm still confused about who has the control over an account's actual existence. Are IMDb accounts auto-generated? Or has someone actually gone and made one under my name? I hope I'm making sense.

Thank you again for your help!



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @inafinity​ -

The information on IMDb comes from various sources which you can review more fully on our Help Page.  Although the bulk amount of information on the IMDb site is submitted by industry professionals, fans, etc. 

While name pages can be claimed and managed by an individual or their representative, title pages cannot be claimed.  Data (such as credits, trivia, release dates, etc.) can be submitted to both name and title pages through our Contribution form by any IMDb user with a registered account.

Lastly, as already mentioned, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information or credit from our records. In line with this policy, we cannot delete these titles because they exist and were available to the public on the internet.

If there are incorrect credits listed on those titles, for example, if you were not the writer, you can request the removal of any inaccurate listings within our contribution form and our staff will investigate..

I hope this helps clarify!