artemis_9's profile

90 Messages


2.7K Points

Thursday, March 28th, 2019 8:02 AM

No Status


Remove duplicate attributes with spelling / format variations in contribution menus

This is an example of a recurrent problem that IMDb is well aware of, but has been unable to solve: the presence in the Attributes listing (that users must consult before they enter a new one) has been constructed by successive additions, and never revised under a criteria (for instance, always use the original language for Events or Locations; never use alternative acronyms), nor simply to delete and correct Attributes entered with alliterations, typos, lack or use of the wrong accents and digraphs, and so on.

Two requests:

(A) That IMDb Administrators create a tool (to be used only by senior staff, I imagine) to search the database's Attributes, and delete and correct them, with two results:
1) reducing the length of the Attributes' listing available;
2) creating more consistency in data for numerous titles now affected by secondary information (Attributes) that is many cases are relevant;
3) lock the free creation of NEW Attributes by users, ALWAYS submitting them to (a) justification by the user, and (b) scrutiny by a council of IMDb sages. (Yes, I'm voting to reduce my present liberty!)

(B) In case IMDb doesn't have the money to create this tool, delete and merge (numbers indicate the current wrong Attributes entered to as many film titles):
45     Cinema du Reel
185     Cinema du Reel Film Festival
5     Cinema du Reel International Documentary Film Festival
3     Cinema du Réel

...into Cinéma du Réel currently with 118 attributes. The use of the English references to Cinéma du Réel as "Film Festival" or even "International Film Festival", should be useless for IMDb users, and is NOT part of the official festival name.

Until now, there has been one and only one Cinéma du Réel:

Assuming that you wish to make clear that the Attribute is linked to a geographical location, you can opt by (both correct):
Cinéma du Réel, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Cinéma du Réel, Paris, France

PS - The above idea, and problem are being reposted here, by suggestion of IMDb Customer Service. Now I see that a similar case was solved before, though I consider it easier to do than what I'm asking (hoping) for... See:

481 Messages


8.5K Points

2 years ago

@artemis_9 I would love (!!!!!!!) to help with this. I've asked several times but there wasn't much of a response. Not sure if IMDb realizes how much we use these attribute lists and how messed up they are. Plus there needs to be a way to search more specifically within each letter. I end up scrolling for several minutes to find the right one. 

90 Messages


2.7K Points

2 years ago

Thank you for being alive!

You're the first who addressed my request, in three years....

I believe that the problem is that IMDb went all "pro", with enough human resources to deal with the (impressive) hardware and software they have, but enough real human contributors themselves. 

These "help" menus do not exist to INFORM and CORRECT users, and they do exist because they're an automatic addition of data to a list - that NO ONE in charge ever re-visits... except us, the lonely single users. Information technology is therefore spreading ERRORS in the world, about festivals, company names, industry professions, keywords, etc.

I am sad, and contributing much lesser than in the past.