3 Messages


150 Points

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 12:48 PM


Remove a unproduced/unfinished title

This title was listed over 5 years and is still categorized as "in development." 

The page did not have the option to edit the page so I thought I would see if anyone can help me remove it. 

Thank you for any assistance in this matter. 



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

4 months ago

jessicah: For clarity, is this series a project you were personally involved with?

3 Messages


150 Points

I was not a member of the crew, but I am in contact with two people who were personally involved. They said they never even started filming and never had funding. You can verify that it is not currently in production with any production companies. It was my understanding that projects can only be listed as in development for 2 years and it has been much longer than that. 



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

4 months ago

Hi @jessicah798 -

Title has been removed.
