2 Messages


90 Points

Thursday, June 13th, 2024 3:45 PM


Rejected Submissions

Hi there,

My submissions for Peter Rotter have been getting denied even though I provided proof of credit and listed uncredited under attribute like I was told to do previously if I didn't have on screen credit evidence. Here are the submissions that got rejected as it said they were unable to be verified: 









1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

3 months ago

Hi @jbarrows,

Thank you for your problem report.

To be clear, you should not be adding the "(uncredited)" attribute to credits just because you do not have access to the on-screen credits. If the individual is credited on-screen, we would need that evidence to verify and accept the credit. This is our policy and more information can be found in our Help guide.

It is only when the person is not credited on-screen should you add the "(uncredited)" attribute and a contract supplied as evidence would be sufficient for our editors to approve the credit addition.

I hope this helps!