4K Messages
244.3K Points
Rejected correction of Julian Song's filmography (evidence included)
My initial rejected submission is #210310-232334-141000 with reason stated as "Unable to verify". In this particular case, I must admit, some research was very much necessary for further verification.
Julian Song is an actor who has the movie Limitless (2011) in his filmography, which I've discovered routinely re-checking every single name in the cast (which I admit is an odd pasttime, but hey). His role is specified as 'Ghenghis Khan' (sic!) and on top of being a misspelling of the name Genghis Khan, it is fairly easy for anyone who've seen the 2011 movie to positively tell there is no Genghis Khan in the contemporary sci-fi story.
However, the movie's direct continuation, TV series "Limitless" (2015-2016) is very prone on using stylized sequences to illustrate main characters insights under the effect of mind-altering drug NZT and second episode, Badge! Gun! (2015) indeed features a brief stylized shot (plus photographs) of Genghis Khan, explaining his lineage and genetic markers passed to millions of people. Following images are screenshots which were taken at approximately 29:08-29:12 into the episode.

Accepted Solution
17.7K Messages
315.6K Points
4 years ago
Hi Nikolay -
Thanks for posting the additonal evidence and information, this credit update has now been approved and the change should be live on the site shortly.