Jordan's profile

10 Messages


214 Points

Monday, June 27th, 2022 7:25 PM

No Status


Recognition of Michif as a Language

This is a poll proposing that Michif, the Métis language, be acknowledged by IMDB as a language. Please upvote if you agree that it should be recognized and added in. 

2 Messages


72 Points

2 years ago

I support IMDB adding Mitchif to its list of recognized languages - it is crucial that companies and cultural organizations support its revitalization rather than contributing to its erasure. This is a simple step, there is no reason it cannot be done quickly. 


2.7K Messages


82.3K Points

2 years ago

In which film(s) is this language used?

Also, don't hold your breath, unfortunately, IMDb isn't very good (or very willing?) when it comes to adding new languages:

2.7K Messages


47K Points


This post was started by Métis director Jordan Waunch, and it is advertised as a petition here:

‘Shadow of the Rougarou’ highlights Métis mythology. Its producers want IMDb to acknowledge its Métis language too

Métis director Jordan Waunch says the Métis language Michif was “almost stamped out of existence” during colonization.

Relevant keywords: 

michif (12 titles)

metis (27 titles)

metis-people (1 title)

2.7K Messages


82.3K Points

@keyword_expert​ Thanks for the interesting background on this.

10 Messages


214 Points

@Marco​ appreciate the conversation, really interesting to learn about the Shipibo language and the fight to get it recognized via IMDB; hope to see it and many other Indigenous languages across the globe receive recognition on this platform and others like it. 

10 Messages


214 Points

@keyword_expert​ thank you! Appreciate it. 

2.7K Messages


82.3K Points

@Jordan​ Just so everybody's on the same page: at least one title in the database should have a certain language spoken in it, otherwise, the language can't be listed in the database.

1 Message


62 Points

2 years ago

Michif is an endangered language and recognition of our language is paramount to recognition of the Métis Nation, heritage and culture. 

Michif absolutely must be a language option on IMDB or else they are continuing the systemic erasure, exclusion and reduction of Indigenous Peoples’ contributions to cinema. For the Métis, this has an even more pressing concern as we currently fight for our Rights as an Aboriginal Nation in Canada, and our Right to our language is an essential component of our identity as a Nation. 

Thank you for creating this film, creating this dialogue, and encouraging continued discourse about our Nation in a variety of media.

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Absolutely!  It's the right thing to do.  Please.

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Absolutely.  It's the right thing to do.  Please help preserve the endangered language.

2 Messages


90 Points

2 years ago

No brainer.  Recognize the language of the largest indigenous groups on the continent.  

2 Messages


90 Points

2 years ago

IMDB, I don’t know which brainiac there even allowed this as a poll. It’s a no brainer. The Métis are one of the largest and proudest indigenous groups on the continent. We are referred to as either Métis or Michif, and this is a unique sociolinguistic identity, not just a language.  

Recognize the language, and don’t be silly. 

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Add it! It can’t be any harder than adding another option on your drop down menu!

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Michif should be regonized bu the IMDB

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

While not an expert; my knowledge has been gained from reading. It is my understanding that Michif has been around since between 1820 and 1840 and is the result of mixed languages. Michif is the language of Métis people and I have read that it was the result of mixing First Nation languages (Cree, Nakota, Ojibwe) and fur trade languages (French and Scottish) resulting from the union of First Nation women with fur traders. This would have been well before colonization in 1867. Not enough recognition is given to the fact that without First Nation women’s expertise, the fur traders, the HBC, the NWC would not have been successful. The First Nation women not only had the skills to survive the harsh conditions but knew how to make pemican, clothing from Buffalo, and in my case Mary Mackagonne’s family made and repaired birch bark canoes. Mary was known to travel with her husband (fur trader Peter Fidler) when he (with David Thompson) mapped Western Canada. So much recognition was given to the men and the corporations, but truly, without the First Nation women they would not have survived as well as they did, if at all. Language is super important so Michif too would have played an integral role in communication and would have been here well before 1867 when Canada became a federated country!

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Of course Michif should be recognized. 

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Make it official! Yay Michif! It’s what my relatives spoke!

10 Messages


214 Points

1 year ago

To the organizers of IMDB, today marks one year since this poll was created to recognize the Indigenous language Michif in IMDB’s language contribution section and ten months since there was a single response from one of your representatives. Your team instructed us to make this poll to address the matter and in a year’s time the only change made regarding the request was the poll’s status changing from “Planned” to “No status”. We are concerned that this process is being used to silence Indigenous voices and ignore the very valid ask that this marginalized language and the Métis people be acknowledged. As a leader in the film and TV industry this is IMDB’s opportunity to stand with Indigenous creators and be an example of what good allyship can look like. If IMDB is the type of company that truly stands for inclusion, diversity, and equity we would appreciate transparency regarding this request process and an honest determination on the inclusion of the Michif language in IMDB’s language contribution section.

10 Messages


214 Points

4 months ago

@Michelle any updates on the progress of your request for the addition of this missing language into the Contribution Form of listed languages? Thank you.