16 Messages


262 Points

Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 6:49 PM

Receipts for Draft Reviews Submitted for Consideration and Approval

For several weeks, I have ceased receiving an email receipt after submitting a draft review for your approval.  Why? My email address has not changed.  It is malvernp@hotmail.com. When I previously brought this matter to your attention, I received an email requesting my current email address.  I appropriately responded to it. Is there something else I need to do to correct this matter?  Or are you no longer furnishing receipts and failed to notify me of that fact?



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

4 years ago

Hi malvernp -


I reviewed the IMDb account associated with the e-mail address you provided and I can confirm that the account is active and there doesn't appear to be any issues with the account itself.


As I understand the issue, you are submitting User Reviews but you are not receiving the Contribution Confirmation" e-mails for these submissions, is that correct?


If so, can you verify if you have checked the spam/junk folders in your e-mail account for the confirmations?

16 Messages


262 Points

Michelle---as to your first question---you are correct.  I used to routinely receive the Contribution Confirmations promptly upon submission of a draft user review for your approval.  About a month ago, the Confirmations suddenly and without warning completely stopped.  Why?

As to your second question---I did check the spam/junk folder in my email account.  The Confirmations I did not receive in my email account have not appeared in the spam/junk folder.

Thank you.

Malvern Powell

16 Messages


262 Points

4 years ago

Still have not been getting confirmation receipts for draft reviews submitted for your approval.  Still do not know why.  Most perplexing.  Have confirmed that you have my correct email address.  Do not understand why this problem has not been resolved by now.

Thank you.

Malvern Powell



578 Messages


11.2K Points

4 years ago

Hey, I checked the history for the email address you've registered here on Sprinklr and without revealing any of your private info I can tell you that we sent a confirmation email to it yesterday.


The email left us correctly, so unfortunately any issue will be on your end. The only thing I can suggest is adding the IMDb Support email address to your contacts and whitelist.


The IMDb Support email is "do-not-reply-here@imdb.com" in case you don't have it to hand.