Latheofheaven's profile

5 Messages


102 Points

Monday, April 25th, 2022 4:37 AM


REALLY??? We are going back to the completely corrupt and biased 'Most Helpful' review sorting again?

Seriously...?  Here, someone actually with some brains finally changed the review sorting order to 'Most Prolific' so that we could see the reviews first of the ones WHO CONTRIBUTE THE MOST!  The way it used to be (and apparently some Bonehead is trying to change it back) is that the review order is COMPLETELY BEHOLDEN to the whims and manipulation of how people rate the reviews.  C'Mon...  Even to the most simple minded person, it should be obvious that that way is NOT objective at all.  With the sorting as it has thankfully been for the last several months with 'Most Prolific', guess what...?  THOSE first reviews are by the people who have actually contributed the most.  How the hell could that not be the most fair way to do it?  Now, when I go to post a review, it is ALWAYS at the bottom.  Where is the incentive in that...???

Could someone with some authority PLEASE give some kind of rational justification as to how rating by how people 'vote' the usefulness of the reivews (which is EXTREMELY BIASED AND TAINTED by those who try to manipulate the votes) HOW the hell is that in any way possible better...?

Thank you!


PS:  It's just that after busting my butt to write reviews over the last 12+ years or so, it was kind of nice to see that rewarded by my reviews showing up in the first few.

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Can you sort the reviews by Helpfulness again?

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