3 Messages


96 Points

Saturday, May 29th, 2021 12:23 PM


Reality vs. IMDb contribution rules, Series vs. Episodes

I see a problem with the classic "please only add credits to episodes" rule.
First of all we end up having a lot of false credits on imdb, because crew members want their credit listed asap and don't have time to become an "imdb contribution expert".
So if you get rejected a couple of times for trying to get the deserved series level credit, for a show you have worked on from first meeting to end, than people go the path of least resistance.
And this is deff not listing all missing episodes, as most of the time thats not even possible as no names/numbers known yet...
Reality is that most crew members than put their credit just in any episode that is listed as they simply don't know the episode title or numbers.

This leads to the fact that especially daily performers or daily crew (and imdb newbies of course) end up in the complete wrong episodes! Seen this a million times! Every one is just listed in that one episode which is first listed.
(Just think about that guy who got called in on a TV show as a daily performer, no infos, stand there, do this, It's a time loop scene which is the end of episode 9 but gets repeated in the beginning of episode 10 and, here it comes, the editor might decide to put it in several episodes... this guy is happy to be called in at all so not in position to ask many questions, wants to be low "maintenance" -How the hell is this guy supposed to put himself in the right episodes? Its unrealistic as a lot of the dailys barely know the name of the TV show they are working for, especially the busy ones)
No one wants to do "research" and start contributing all missing episodes! If you work on a new tv show you almost never know names for numbers of episodes because this is just not how crew works on set. While you work on the show its more about: this needs to happen that date! No one gives a *** what number or name that episode has also because empirically you don't need that information to do most of the jobs on a filmset. If there are numbers they also keep changing them and if you are daily crew you are simply not in the position to even ask about ANY detail of that project.
I know a lot of HOD's which don't give a call sheet to daily crew so they don't have access to contacts. The NEED TO KNOW system.

So the only way to ad my series level credit as general HOD for the hole series is to add all episodes!? For which I might have to call the executives or even the writer himself for?? -"Hi, can we please go together through all current numbers and names of the episodes as I need this to put my credit on IMDB and I don't want to contribute anything wrong..?" might come across weird don't you think?
And than on the other hand, if there is currently only one episode listed, putting in my credit only in one episode on a show I have worked continuously is kind of frustrating...
This " (1 episode) " label behind your credit is degrading for someone who has worked hard on every episode from beginning to the end.
Any help or trick out there to feel credited for series level work as HOD if there is only one episode listed and I don't want to be always the guy filling in ALL the gaps?

42 Messages


880 Points

3 years ago

There are jobs that are "series/season level" but I do think a "per episode" listing is better. 

However, I'd love to see an "add/remove every episode" feature. So that we can more easily add season long credits. 

3 Messages


96 Points

3 years ago

I just gave up.
I should better prep the next shooting days but instead I'm now sitting here contributing one episode after another... Have to say this is extremely annoying! I seriously have to put in all the series level colleagues in again and again each episode???! 
Guess the key is to reach a level where you don't care about your IMDb anymore.. Thats what I'm working for now "never have to contribute a series anymore in my life" #lifegoals



3K Messages


72.5K Points

You do realize that IMDb makes it easy to add people that reoccur in a series, right? It's really not that hard or time consuming. I do this all day, every day and usually it is only the first episode of season that is pain.

Click on the pane that says "Click here to copy existing credits from the series or other episodes" and you will get a box like this:

Then, it is just a matter of clicking and insuring that the occupations are the same (as they do sometimes vary). I add 60-120 credits this way on every episode of TV I watch.

3 Messages


96 Points

Thank you for you answer.
Well my point is for me it is very easy to set up a big action sequence and I easily do a great budget for a hole series action department, shoot cars over ramps and trucks down stairs, land them on spot, make you a detailed shot list with nice graphics and a meticulous risk assessment... because I do this a lot 
As you guys apparently contribute a lot of series no wonder it seems extremely easy for you..
After I have done it now some hours and following all your notes it's ..OK.. but still-
Thats my point.
Should/could this be easier for people who do other stuff than this and are likely clumsy at start?



3K Messages


72.5K Points

Everything is hard and clumsy at the start. Was your first big action sequence easy or did you learn by experience?

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

3 years ago

Well, you do need to check the credits on every episode anyway. They’re not always 100% identical, even with the core group of cast&crew. They may seem identical at first, but then there’s a new lighting technician, new make-up assistant, additional production assistants in five episodes, etc. You just never know.

To me it’s pretty easy after the first episode is done correctly. Then you just choose the names from the existing list (and maybe add a couple new ones). Click and click.
