r_willis_dwyephzkrw5z6's profile

1 Message


80 Points

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018 3:48 AM


Public reviews - Wish the Review Info included their age range and approximate location.

Suggestion for improving usefulness of reviews:  Along with the IMDB User's ID, include the age range of the viewer, and their location.  For example, I am RWillis, 40-50, Canada.
   The movies I liked as a teenager are vastly different than the ones I like as a 40-something.  I'm sure this is the same for many.  My opinions on what makes a good film have, likewise, also changed greatly.  So, I'd like to know which reviews are from similarly experienced people, or from (for example) a good region for reviews (in my opinion).  
    Reading reviews from a teenager who wants to see, for example, violence and nudity, or sappy love stories, does not help me positively evaluate a movie to watch.  There's nothing wrong with these perspectives, as I was once a teenager too.  I am, however, no longer a teenager.  I wish to see well-acted, intelligently written movies with substantial plot.
    Non-Hollywood movies, wherein the ending is often vastly different from those sold out of America, are a favourite.  The hero doesn't always win.  He doesn't always get the girl.  All is not always all right in the end.  These movies intrigue me more and more each passing year.  These movies also get poor reviews, or poor insights, far too often from the North American reviewers.

   So, knowing when a movie is liked by a lot of people who are in my age-range, and are from regions that encourage the non-Hollywood ending or plot twists would be a welcome addition from IMDB.
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