4 Messages


156 Points

Saturday, January 20th, 2024 7:47 AM


Problem with submission

Reason: Duplicate

Your contribution has been declined.

The item you have submitted is exactly the same as a submission that you or another user have already entered, which is still pending review by our staff.

Please remember that all updates submitted to IMDb are not immediately available online but must first be checked and processed by our data editors. The time it takes us to do this can vary, please see this guide for more information. If you have already submitted this item previously, please use the Track Contribution option on that submission reference instead.

The submissions that have been declined are:



I also added a poster in one of my films, it states that the poster I added got approved, but it's not updating on the film page. Does it usually take time? 

Here is the reference number for the poster: 240120-073208-652602

Thank you.

Accepted Solution



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

8 months ago

Hello joaquiiiiiiin,

I have checked on submissions 240120-072730-307000, 240120-075047-519000 both were rejected as duplicate because there is already a live Plot Outline and Mini Biography, therefore it was approved already on different submissions.

I can already see the image that you submitted set up as the Primary Poster for "Cinebuano". When adding images or data, the changes will take shortly to apply.

4 Messages


156 Points

@Fran​ Cinebuano's poster was the first one to be updated, the other submissions then followed. Thank you for replying! 

32 Messages


506 Points

8 months ago

I would assume its a bug as I started having issues around the same time. My update history hasn't updated since 2pm yesterday.

4 Messages


156 Points

@ChiefTuftyClubMember​ I also thought there was a bug. Mine already updated 2 days ago, how about yours? 

32 Messages


506 Points

@joaquiiiiiiin​ Mine is better - but someone sent me the Beta Contribution History link and the 2 listings are slightly out of sync. 



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

8 months ago

I have checked your Contribution History and I can see your all your recent and old contributions. Are you still having issues? Can you help us with a screenshot? 

Here is the link for your Contribution History page.

4 Messages


156 Points

Not having issues anymore, all good. Thank you!