Richmond007's profile

34 Messages


774 Points

Saturday, May 27th, 2023 5:43 AM



Primary images keep getting changed for these titles

Half-Life (Video Game 1998) - IMDb

Half-Life 2 (Video Game 2004) - IMDb

I have uploaded and changed the primary images to these 2 titles multiple times but someone keeps deleting them and uploading lower quality images and setting them as primary posters. 

Currently my poster submission is in pending status for the second title and a low quality poster has been set as primary by this person. This is the primary image this person wants for some reason and keeps deleting any higher quality image I have uploaded so far (this has been going on for about a month). I want to request the IMDb staff to take a look at this and take steps that this behavior is not repeated.

I would've updated the link to my higher quality poster as soon as it got accepted. Please note that this person will definitely remove that poster within a couple of hours of it being posted.

I am attaching the correct images here in hopes that these would be permanently set as primary posters so that they are not tampered with. These posters are copyright free versions (posters with trademarks removed) of original posters sourced from steamgriddb and official steam poster for the game respectively.

For Half-Life (Video Game 1998) - IMDb

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

1 year ago

These posters are copyright free versions (posters with trademarks removed)

We do not allow the following:

- Fan art
- Customization of any kind

original posters sourced from steamgriddb and official steam poster for the game respectively.

Quotes from steamgriddb site:

"Download and share custom video game assets"

"SteamGridDB is not affiliated with Valve Corporation or the Steam platform."

So no, it's not official.


34 Messages


774 Points

@mbmb​ Like I said, the second poster is from from steam, you can check it out here

steam's CDN

As for customizations, the posters there are NOT customized. Please do not misrepresent without correct information. Video game posters are hard to come by in standard 2/3 format. Steamgriddb simply takes assets for the posters. These are not fan art as well. If you reject the idea that any posters that are not officially sourced would be disallowed on this platform then go ahead and remove 80 to 90 percent of all video game posters from this platform, because let me inform you that many of them are not officially sourced. The posters from that site are not customized because they do not add anything to the original poster and the posters I select are for games that do not have a proper poster in steam or are non-steam games or simply for the fact that the posters are specific to a region corresponding to the title released in that region (eg. UK posters are often different from US/worldwide posters). Please take into account these factors. Most older games do not even have posters available on the internet. If you search for them you would find very low quality images. Steamgriddb attempts to restore older posters to as close to original as possible because the so called "official" sources are either not in business or would not care about providing assets for an old IP that would not make them money.

ps - for the first picture I did not claim it to be the official poster, it is a 2/3 aspect ratio version of GOTY US release poster for the title. Please google it and youll find it. The second poster as I mentioned is in fact official.


2.5K Messages


69.1K Points

1 year ago

I personally believe that the primary image for games like Half-life should be the original PC cover art. Not Steam, or any other more recent re-release art. Video games should be treated same as movies: original cover art, or poster art.

Edit: I believe this is the ”original” PC cover art from 1998:

.. and this is the cover art of the 1999 GOTY edition (re-release):


34 Messages


774 Points

@eboy​ I can understand what you are saying but consider this, the older posters for this game is not the issue here. For many other games it is almost impossible to find a poster from that era that is of high quality and meets the standard 2/3 aspect ratio for posters. Users of sites like steamgriddb do a very good job of restoring these older posters to their former glory and provide uniform size and quality posters for most games. What you have pictures of is box art. There is a separate section in IMDb to represent those which I believe should be preserved as well.

Also the point I am trying to make here is why use a lower quality image as a poster when you do have higher quality versions available, albeit not always from official sources. Take the current Half-Life 2 poster that is set to primary on IMDb for example, it is clearly very low quality and a higher resolution is available.


519 Messages


9.3K Points

@eboy​ when i asked imdb mods they said a poster is the top priority

in this 1993 game there is original 1993 cover art, but they said this new 2001 re-release poster is what should it be

519 Messages


9.3K Points

@Richmond007​ fanart is fanart is fanart

steamgridb is a cesspit of some of the worst paintbrush fanart there is

and about half of it is outright stolen from etsy and deviantart, including the images with OC DONUTSTEEL markings

if there is no "standard" "2/3" poster then it means there isn't one. no need to upload fanart. and this "standard" "2/3" format does not fit imdb anyway. >> For posters, to minimize cropping, we recommend a vertical alignment (i.e. portrait orientation) with an aspect ratio of 1:0.675. 

2/3 doesn't sound like a match for 40/27

if a tilte has no poster imdb automatically uses another image, box art or screenshot. but the thing is, some people come and start to upload their fanart, or memes, or paintbrush images or photos of their friends (all real cases) as "poster", which makes those unrelated images to take priority over the official boxart. and now you can't delete them without writing to support. so imdb mods do allow uploading one main boxart as poster or as screenshot depending on the page type, for ease of setting the primary image by contributors instead of writing every time to support.

imdb tries to be a db of factual information, so people creating their fanart is not "historical documents", it's their own fiction absolutely unrelated to the title in question. it's like writing up fake story summaries or uploading 4 more seasons to rakisuta that never existed (real cases)

you did not try to upload better resolution images. you did not took your own big box half life release scanned it into 4k bmp so then amazon service would compress it into 100kb 500px jpg picture. you just uploaded an absolute pure unofficial fanart for hl1 and a duplicate digital boxart for hl2. hl2 already has that image that is ripped directly from the store. it's a duplicate.

as for my opinion, i'm with eboy. >> For Movies - The most iconic and widely-recognized poster, of the best image quality. 

if we can't find a poster which is the most desirable image per imdb rules (like, i physically have a full size official wow poster of one of the rarest images which is also was the most beloved before release, but i can't scan it, it's giant) i'd prefer to have >>the most iconic and widely-recognized boxart. steam own digital boxarts and other store boxarts are a terrible idea with expiration date. steam just this month or so made another terrible GUI redesign breaking half the functionality. aa year or so ago they made abysmal unusable criminal library with vertical images, that take up entire 4k 65" screens, and even after a year or some more than half of the games still have old horizontal tiny blurbs with empty space.

and those things are maintained by unpaid interns with mad skillz in paintbrush not on par with original artists. and digital is fickle and temporary with A-B tests all digital storefronts replace their screaming dude icons every week or so. many of steam releases had their 600x900 pictures replaced 2-3 times already. so much for iconic or recognisable.

519 Messages


9.3K Points


just browse>grids>2nd page

that's after 10 of other cancer images

not even deep or anything

10.6K Messages


224.4K Points

Feels like IMDb is becoming too cryptocratic.

34 Messages


774 Points

@agof​ All right I get your point. I am out :-)

10.6K Messages


224.4K Points

1 year ago

We should maybe listen to agof, on this one.

519 Messages


9.3K Points

1 year ago

2.5K Messages


69.1K Points

1 year ago

When IMDb is referring to ”posters”, I believe it often means mostly movies. Especially back in the days posters were important factor of marketing (along with trailers, of course). Films were (usually) released in a movie theatres first (hence the posters), and in vhs/dvd/blu-ray only later (box art). This is also one of the reasons why posters usually take the priority (and they should).

With video games, the original cover art is probably a better approach. I guess some games also got ”official posters” (whatever that means in the world of video games), but perhaps not in a same way that films do.

For me the key point still is the word ”original”. It should be the ”original poster” or ”original cover art”, no matter how cool some newer art work could be.

(With TV series, this becomes even more tricky. Should it be the poster from ”Season 1”, or the poster from the last season. Stuff like that.)




4.9K Messages


52K Points

11 months ago

Hi all!

Sorry for the late reply, in this case I will have to agree with most of you, this art from steamgrid seams like fan art, hence not accepted.
