nono_13's profile

1 Message


80 Points

Friday, May 12th, 2017 9:25 PM


Primary image limitations

Hi there,

The new primary image suggestion tool is nice and has a pretty decent processing time, compared to the contributor's nightmare I used to experience a few years ago.

There are cases where a potentially perfect poster is classified as a still and thus not eligible for primary image, while the movie actually has a still featured, which is not even supposed to be allowed.

There are cases where something looking like a poster that would be awesome, is however classified as product, making it ineligible, and leaves the corresponding series with a still as primary image, which is also supposed not to be allowed.

There are also cases where a still that would be a perfect primary image for an episode, is wrongly classified as behind the scenes, and thus also not eligible.

This is all very frustrating!
So why not offer the ability to also change the image type through the tagging interface? That would offer a path to setting a correct primary image, while keeping a level of control for IMDb staff.

Another idea would be to allow setting "product" images as primary one, especially when there is none classified as poster. That's the way it used to work in the old times when suggestions where manually processed by staffers. And some good product face can even be better than a lower quality poster.

Any thought on this?

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

7 years ago

So why not offer the ability to also change the image type through the tagging interface?
Hopefully IMDb will add this ability.
(and I still hope for photo corrections to be visible in one's Update History)

51 Messages


1.7K Points

6 years ago

Any chance we can get a response from IMDb on this? I came here to make these exact suggestions.