carl_hitchcock's profile

16 Messages


304 Points

Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 7:50 PM


Poster submissions

I have been providing images as posters for various movies from time to time and they all have been approved for submissions. Now just recently my contributions have been approved for publication but then later declined due to not meeting "contribution guidelines." I have read these guidelines on poster submissions, and it does not tell me exactly what I am doing wrong. I am following the instructions as outlined in those guidelines and exactly in the same manner as I have been doing for those posters that were previously approved.



1.9K Messages


19.7K Points

2 months ago

Hi @carl_hitchcock,

Please can you provide us with the 18-digit submission references for these declined poster contributions? You can find them in your Contribution History (beta).


16 Messages


304 Points



#241107-114911-374402 Pending

16 Messages


304 Points

The above pending submission has now been declined -- same reason "contribution guidelines." It would be nice if they were specific. It now appears I will no longer be allowed to submit posters.



2.6K Messages


26.7K Points

Hello carl_hitchcock,

I have checked on the submission and the images are bad quality images therefore the system will reject them, they are small poster images. You can find help on our Help Articles on what we consider a good image.

16 Messages


304 Points

Thanks. It would have been nice if they said that instead of using the all-encompassing term,

16 Messages


304 Points

Are there any tips on how I can submit posters APPROVABLE for submission. I ran out of ideas, and it appears no matter what I do it does NOT meet the standards.



2.6K Messages


26.7K Points

You can find help in our Help Articles.

16 Messages


304 Points

I am following that guide word for word. What bothers me is that my posters do get approved for publication but then later someone tells me that although approved it does not follow the guidelines. This doesn't make sense to me at all. I have been submitting posters off and on for the past year or so and no problem until now.



17.6K Messages


314.6K Points

Hi @carl_hitchcock​ -

Thanks for sharing this feedback.  Concerning the conflicting combined  "Approved"/"Declined" submission statuses, I have raised this with the appropriate team for visibility and consideration of future improvements.