manekas's profile

5 Messages


126 Points

Friday, January 1st, 2021 7:10 AM


Portuguese language

In the marital status data of an actress, the corresponding field mentions ESPOSAS (wives), which is a direct but erroneous translation of SPOUSES. The correct equivalent for SPOUSE(S) is CÔNJUGE(S), as can otherwise be seen in the iOS version. 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

4 years ago

Hi, manekas. I see that you brought this up quite a while ago in regards to IMDb App. Thank you for bringing it up then and again now. I noticed that you've not previously received any feedback on the matter (unless the posts have gone missing of course). Have you tried conveying your observation of this semantic error through

5 Messages


126 Points

4 years ago


Thank you for your feedback. It has been hard to contact IMDb directly, but I finally got their email address. I've already sent them a message drawing their attention to this funny semantic error, in which all actresses have got wives.

Happy New Year