ario_kocyjdoria28h's profile

4 Messages


140 Points

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020 11:00 AM


Please don't post a movie without Year of release

hello ,
we had several titles like:
in last days
Please don't post a movie without year of release
Thank you

4 Messages


140 Points

4 years ago


please don't post like this
Please add the year of release
in imdb , "Year of Release" is one of the most Important factors
unfortunately we see this problem a lot
last month we had about 6-7 cases like this


4 Messages


140 Points

thank you very much for reply
I own a site (350k daily uniq from usa/uk/ca/au/DE/SP)
I am doing this for 15 ys
listing all the tv+Movie contents [I have 5M posts, each post up to 100 releases , over 100 Millions releases in my sql db]
in briefest words: Nothing is More important than "Year of release" after the "name" itself
In tv : tvdb is doing well (significantly better in tv category than others)
But , in movie , others are not even close to imdb
my daily 350k users from usa/uk/ca/au rely on imdb
in fact ,I have doubt if there is other site who is sending more people than my site to imdb
"Year of release" is the factor which defines contents of our posts and sends users to proper place
I love to mention my sites url but after virus outbreak ,hollywood [and others] started : Zero tolerance to dmca
and believe me , all sites have some degrees of dmca issues [maybe mine is tiny bit more] but I follow fair-usage policy in meaningful way and I delete the dmca cases immediately] but posts remain intact [without files] for users to go to official sources [based on imdb's reference] and buy them
we have many similar titles which ONLY the year of release differentiates their contents
again: thanks for reply
Please take this matter more serious
I can always ask my coders to fix this matter for my own site , but this matter is what users are asking me to forward to you , since this matter started a while ago in imdb

Dr. Ariel Era Jr.

4 Messages


140 Points

we have several cases like
every week



4K Messages


244.1K Points

ARIO, Warpath is still in post-production. I'm aware of that not only because I converse with director Josh Becker (who is terrific, btw) from time to time, that's also evident through his official website

Real question/trouble here is not "movies without year of release". It's movies with removed or absent production status.

P.S. Just corrected it. 



4K Messages


244.1K Points

4 years ago

ARIO, from the position of a filmmaker: in cases of low- and no-budget productions, as well as independent film in general, year of release is kind of an abstract concept. 

My feature film Crudely Written Communal Fiction is in production since 2007, with active principal photography starting in 2012. It was added to database in 2015 when I was hoping it might have a release that very year. Since then projected year changed several times, so at one point we've made a decision for the title to go yearless until we will be positively sure when it will release. 

Movie is perfectly eligible with IMDb guidelines, though. 

3 Messages


80 Points

just got into this one:

(year is missing)
