1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, January 4th, 2024 2:39 PM

No Status


Photos with spoilers (Question/Idea)

I was very surprised that major spoilers from the final episodes were included in the Itaewon Class photos area, especially from #6 onwards.  Is this considered acceptable?  Is there a way to report them (I notice 'spoiler' or 'other' are not options in the current report menu for photos).  I hand thankfully already watched the series, but this would have completely ruined the anticipation for others who would happen to browse through. 

I think it would be good to have either:
- The option to report pictures as notable spoilers, and have them removed if it is agreed that they are major plot point spoilers.
- The option to mark pictures as spoilers, and give users the option to decide if they want to view them or not.

- The option to mark pictures as spoilers, and have spoiler pictures hidden until the user flags the show as having been watched.

I'm concerned that people may be put off a show entirely by having it spoiled for them from the very beginning.

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

1 year ago

Have you tried reporting them? I’m not saying that IMDb will delete them, but you can try.
