argman's profile

72 Messages


984 Points

Saturday, July 6th, 2024 8:25 AM


Photos Deletion Request


I have an official request from actor Ahmed Akbar to take his photos with his daughter down.

He is concerned with his family privacy and needs this to be done to maintain that privacy which is his respected right.

I don't see the option to delete them myself, can you please go ahead and do it?

Appreciate it.



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

2 months ago

Hello argman,

You can submit a request to IMDb to remove an image by using the  option listed at the bottom of the image viewer.

From here, provide a reason for the removal along with any comments to help a member of the team review the request.

You can find more detailed instructions in our Help Articles.

72 Messages


984 Points

I saw that already, but I didn't want to "report" it as inappropriate, I didn't want to jeopardize my account since I was the one who uploaded it, i.e. I don't want my account to be "reported", that must be not good. 

Can you remove it yourself please so I can avoid that problem? 



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@argman​ Hi! Reporting it as inappropriate will not jeopardize your account, it will only have our editors review the request to delete. Please submit deletion request.
