Marco's profile

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 12:57 PM

No Status


Pet peeve - plot outline, plot summary, and "just" synopsis in update form

I know it's a very minor issue, but in the updating form, it says Plot Outlines, Plot Summaries and Synopsis. Can the word "plot" be added to Synopsis as well please? It's more consistent that way. Also, it's more clear I feel. They way it is listed now, it kinda suggests the Synopsis is not part of the Plot section.

428 Messages


14.3K Points

6 months ago

If you make this an idea I will vote for it. A clearer indication of the difference would be helpful too.

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

@owenrees​ Thanks for the support. However, I'll first wait for a staff response. Perhaps it's an easy fix for them (it seems like it to me, but I obviously don't know what it looks like behind the scenes).

979 Messages


29.1K Points

5 months ago

I agree.

I would like it even better if they read:

Plot (Shorter)
Plot (Longer)

Plot (Complete)