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Tuesday, July 25th, 2017 6:14 AM


Order of attributes can cause odd display

If a credit contains multiple attributes, the order the attributes are entered can affect how they display on the site. This is the only time I recall seeing this issue once and I already fixed it, so I can't link to a current example, but I can explain it...

A writer had a writing attribute and another attribute but in the opposite order: (other) (writer). This caused it to be displayed on the full cast/crew as (other) (writer) (other) instead of just (writer) (other). It displayed in the writer's filmography as (other - writer, other) instead of (writer - other). This problem is possibly unique to the Writers section because attributes are used for the job roles (which is a strange system but that's another story). When I edited the credits and re-arranged the attributes, the way it displayed on the site was fixed.

I'm not sure if this happens in other departments. In my opinion, attributes should appear alphabetically regardless of what order they're entered (and perhaps the attributes should automatically re-arrange themselves when editing). However, obviously writing attributes should appear before other attributes such as (uncredited) and (segment) - perhaps that's part of the problem; the software isn't able to properly distinguish between a writing attribute and another attribute to place after. (It could be mostly solved by adding writers roles like other crew roles rather than adding the jobs as attributes, but that's obviously a much bigger change than fixing a bug.) Either way, an attribute obviously shouldn't appear duplicated.
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