jeremy_ellison's profile

2 Messages


80 Points

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 6:36 AM


Only allow critics to post ratings for upcoming movies

Rogue One had a 7.6 rating the last time I checked (12/13/16) which is definitely strange for a Star Wars film, especially that of which is receiving pretty good reviews for the most part. If you check the analytics for the review score, you'll find 1,000 or so "10" ratings and the same amount of "1" ratings. Clearly neither of these scores were given by people who have actually seen the movie, which is why I'm suggesting upcoming movies can only be rated by official critics, as they have likely seen the movie before its wide release. And of course the ratings would open for the public on the day the movie is released.

6 Messages


170 Points

8 years ago




7.4K Messages


275K Points

8 years ago

Jeremy: A film is supposed to be unavailable for rating until its release date. However, Rogue One had a premiere on December 10 which was listed as a release date and caused the film to be available for rating.

Even if IMDb were to change its mind and remove the December 10 premiere as being a release date, the film would still be open for rating because it's already showing in regular release in a number of countries, having opened today, December 14.

I suspect that any phony votes cast by non-viewers will be so heavily outweighed by votes from actual viewers within a few days that the phony votes won't matter. (It's not like The Promise (2016/II), which has received tens of thousands of phony votes after showing at a couple of film festivals but doesn't have a general release scheduled yet to have actual viewers cancel them out.)

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

8 years ago

7.6 rating is a "strange for a Star Wars film"? Really? If SW film doesn't get at least 9, the review score must be phony... Oh boy, the fans.

2 Messages


80 Points

like it or not, it is. even if a SW film is bad, it'll still have pretty high reviews, based off hype alone. i'm not saying it should have a 9 instantly, but a low 8 makes much more sense