1 Message


70 Points

Friday, June 7th, 2024 2:47 PM


No response to submission to create new listing

A few days ago I selected add a new title and filled in all the details of a short I wrote, directed & produced in 2023. It's called Justice For Jamie. I filled in all the requested fields, which turned green, then submitted the form. I've heard nothing since. Is this being processed? I don't remember adding a title taking this long before.



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

3 months ago

Penrake: Go to https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/history/ and click on "Track Contribution" below the submission number for this entry. Then copy what you see there and post it back in this thread. There may be an explanation there as to what the problem is.



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

3 months ago

Hello Penrake,

I could not find a submitted New title. Can you make sure that you have submitted the contribution? Sometimes the contribution is not submitted and will be saved in your Contribution History page. You can check and finish submitting the update and we will take a look at it for you.