silvio_mitsubishi's profile

115 Messages


1.8K Points

Thursday, July 7th, 2022 4:18 PM


Night Drive (2019)

A review posted for this film is blatantly false, and admits so in its opening words. I reported it for not being a genuine review, quoting the clause from IMDb submission guidelines that it breaches, but my reports have been rejected twice.

Does IMDb now accept dishonest and deceptive reviews?

This is my recent report:

It's not really 10 star material - more like 7 stars - but I wanted to balance out the poor ratings somewhat. For a change (look up my reviews, I've been posting for years and am not affiliated with this movie) I am not going to post any spoilers because I only do that for movies I detest. This is not one of them.

The movie starts off innocently enough with a rideshare driver picking up a pretty woman at night who asks him to take her to various places. The time is near Christmas and the locale is Los Angeles. I literally can't say any more except give it some time before you decide if you want to keep watching it. I'm glad I did because the movie really gets going at around the point you may be considering turning it off.

I really liked the main characters and the quirkiness of the plot. I especially loved the ending.

It's a short movie, 1 hour 19 minutes, and will certainly entertain you for that long. And mystery of mysteries, someone still knows how to write an engaging movie without CGI involved. Best of all, there is no woke preaching. Excellent indie film
Your Comment
Inappropriate “
I have previously reported this review as inappropriate, and even copied and pasted the clause from IMDb submission guidelines that it breaches. If you allow reviews that deliberately set out to deceive your users, you do not deserve those users. You might as well publish the blurb provided by directors and producers, but pretend it is an unbiased critique. Here is my previous report, including the quote from IMDb guidelines. If you do not agree, I think you at least owe me a better explanation than you have given so far: This contributor has set out to lie and deceive, awarding ten stars for a film they say merits only seven. This is dishonest and makes the whole review unreliable. IMDb submission guidelines clearly state: “ If an IMDb editor is unable to verify the information being added is factual, or the data breaches one of the policies listed on this help center, then the request may be rejected.”
ReasonDoes not meet contribution guidelines.



2.3K Messages


23.5K Points

2 years ago

Hello silvio_mitsubishi,

Can you please help us posting the 18-digits submission reference number? so we can go ahead and take a look for you at the contribution?

You can find the number on your Contribution History page.

115 Messages


1.8K Points

@Fran​ IMDb update receipt #220705-210005-624804

I had already reported it once on similar grounds. When that was rejected I reposted with the direct quote from IMDb guidelines in the hope it might help.

Clearly it did not. When rejecting comments, you tell us to read the guidelines but seem to ignore them yourselves.



2.3K Messages


23.5K Points

Hello silvio_mitsubishi,

Thanks for posting the submission reference number! I have reviewed the submission number and the request, and I have accepted the review deletion, the changes will be live on the site shortly! 

115 Messages


1.8K Points

Only if it’s not too much trouble, obviously.