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Tuesday, August 13th, 2019 12:42 PM


New option: production number

We have three ways to identify the episode of a series: by title, by air date and by number. I'd like to have a fourth option: production number.

For a series that doesn't have proper season breaks, we already use production numbers, in effect. We often pretend that a long-running soap opera or YouTube series is all one long season. That's why we have episode numbers such as 1.500 or 1.3000.

I'd like to treat that kind of number differently. We can call it the production number. And that option can be available in between "Number" and "I Am..."

Instead of episode 1.500 or 1.3000, we'd have production number #500 or #3000.

Some shows have production numbers AND separate seasons. And so it would be possible to add an episode with all four identifiers: title, air date, number AND production number.

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