Rachel's profile



161 Messages


5.9K Points

Saturday, November 9th, 2019 9:06 PM

New Contribution Feature (Beta): IMDb Answers


Today we are launching a beta for a new contribution feature, IMDb Answers.

IMDb Answers surfaces high-value content that is missing from IMDb. These gaps are shown as an updating feed of questions with calls to action for contributions to add the missing data.

The feature is focused on ensuring we have the right content coverage for multiple countries (e.g. the release date for a movie in the US, France, Germany etc; what the correct poster is to show for a TV show in GB, Italy, Spain, India; What the certificate for a movie is in Canada, Mexico, Brazil etc)
The question feed can currently be prioritized by: 1) real-time pageviews by IMDb customers from a country; 2) movie showtimes data for a country for movies currently in theaters.
Contributors can then answer these questions, sharing their knowledge more easily, and with a bigger impact.

The underlying contribution interfaces for adding data are the same, contributions count to your end of year contribution numbers, and you can track the status of your contributions as usual.  All we are doing is providing a new way to access contribution by actively surfacing gaps.

The feature can be found here https://contribute.imdb.com/gaps?ref_=gap_gs_post

This thread has been created to allow our contributors to provide feedback, suggest improvements and record any issues found.

9 Messages


408 Points

5 years ago

My native language was there for a week and then disappeared. During this week I added missing posters for several movies. But I guess you are interested only in posters for countries where you can get some advertising money from.



161 Messages


5.9K Points

Which countries were you adding posters for?  We haven't removed any. If there area no trending titles (or movies in theaters) that are missing a poster, there will be no gaps returned. There is a message at the top of the page to indicate that.

4 Messages


186 Points

5 years ago

I would be interested in this if you included New Zealand in your country option. It is my thing. nzvideos.org

1 Message


100 Points

5 years ago

I have contributed some data about "The Two Popes" which was first published and then erased. I do not understand what may have changed. What may have been wrong?

31 Messages


1.7K Points

5 years ago

Hi Rachel!
Will participation in this contribution feature be rewarded with this nice looking 'Beta Tester Badge'? :)
I made several contributions of various types, all approved. Everything works without complaints, with the exception of the absence of some countries (of the former USSR). I hope they will be added.
ID: ur4978989 if it necessary.
Thank you!

171 Messages


5.1K Points

5 years ago

Hi Rachel, this is a great initiate! However, I'm mostly interested in helping with answers for Ukraine-related questions, yet Ukraine was not on the list of countries I could select (there were only 12 countries that I could select: US, UK, Canada (English), Canada (French), Australia, India (English), India (Hindi), France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Japan).

Could you please ask developers if they could add Ukraine too? And could you please provide an ETA for that - thank you!!

1 Message


120 Points

4 years ago

Hello, I can't seem to find my country in there, can you please add Lithuania? I undestand English and can confirm the movie title translations between English and Lithuanian as I am Lithuanian myself I can do research of the titles in my own Language faster and provide only official translations.

2 Messages


132 Points

4 years ago

What do we do when the date listed in a movie title is just wrong? Trying to correct it gets auto-rejected because the title doesn't agree with the date on the original title.

Example: I'm watching Mighty Jack, and I wanted to know a bit more about it. The page for the movie listed the release date as 1968. Problem is, in the opening credits, it shows the year MCMLXXXVIII, which in 1986. Somebody entering this film into the database transposed the last two numbers in the title section, making the movie appear nearly 20 years older than it is. And the auto-rejection to correcting the problem leaves me wondering, how does such a fundamental error get fixed?

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Hi, Lunay LeZarde. Welcome to the IMDb Community forum! Regarding the release date for Mighty Jack in the way that it is recorded on IMDb, you should be able to bypass the auto-rejection, in this case, by blanking out the contents of the attribute field corresponding to the item to be corrected. By the way, the concerns that you've put forth really belong in a new thread altogether. Two more things... In your post, did you mean that the opening credits show "MCMLXXXVI", which is "1986", in lieu of "MCMLXXXVIII", which is "1988"? Also please bear in mind also that sometimes the copyright date of a movie is sometimes a year or two before the release year, so interpreting what appears on screen to be the release year may lead to inaccuracy about it, so we really need a source of information that documents date on which the movie aired, maybe even details so exact as to the time and the television channel (by call sign or something).

2 Messages


132 Points

No, what I meant was that whomever entered the movie into the database listed it as being published in 1968. This is an error born of translation from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, something which I fell prey to myself in my original question. In any case, it's highly unlikely that the movie was made and aired without copyright 20 years earlier, sat on the shelf for two decades, and then got copyrighted in the late 80's.

The problem is that the date is directly tied to the page title. When I try to correct it in, say, the Sandy Frank (I) page, I'm told that the page (with the correct date of 1988) does not exist. And when I try to correct the movie page itself, I run into the following message, regardless of what I do:

"This correction has been rejected. You need to correct this correction before it will be accepted.
  • The year in the new title must match the year in the old title.
    If you need to change the year as included in the title, please submit a release date corresponding to the new year. If you do not know the exact date within the year, it is okay to omit the day and month in the release date. We will then update the year in the title accordingly if required."

Am I right in thinking that changing the release date will set in motion the title page getting corrected? Is this the only way to get a page title corrected, or am I missing something? Thank you for your time.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

"Am I right in thinking that changing the release date will set in motion the title page getting corrected?" I believe so, but I suspect the second step may not occur automatically.

6 Messages


124 Points

4 years ago

Rachel, I would propose this as a global change, not just the countries you have mentioned.

I have had a look at the 'Contributions' section of the IMDB.com website and I can find nowhere that would relate to adding or editing information that pertains to a disability. Of course, I may have missed it. If there was somewhere, people would need to know about it and, this might require a promotion. 

In the absence of any other globally renowned database that tells you practically everything you need to know about films, I believe that IMDB would be a good place to start. Where someone could find out whether a film had options for those that can’t see, those that can’t hear and those that can’t read.  At the very least, a warning that these films contain an element within them that may cause someone with a hidden disability, difficulties.  Films have warnings for practically everything else nowadays.

For example, the following films came out at the end of last year, early this; Rambo - Last Blood, Terminator - Dark Fate and Bad Boys For Life. All three films spend a considerable amount of time in Mexico. During this time, subtitles are used. My wife cannot read, post-stroke, so I am required to read the subtitles out to her. We walked out of Bad Boys, I have since watched it on Sky Movies when my wife was in bed. I have catalogued hundreds of films over the last four years that have caused us problems, specifically, the reading. 

Having a section on IMDB giving this information would be beneficial across the globe, let's face it, it's not just English speakers that have dyslexia.


Steve Scarlett

P.S. The image is of my wife and me at the movies. I am reading subtitles out to her. We would have avoided going if we had known before hand that it had subtitles. That's where IMDB comes in.

OK, it's a staged photo. They wouldn't let me use the camera whilst the film was ongoing. :)

6 Messages


124 Points

4 years ago

Hi, I thought I'd give the 'IMDB Answers' a go and my specific requirement is that I was going to comment on language, and the use of subtitles or exposition to convey information to a film viewer. There appears to be no option for the information I want to submit in the dropdown under, "What Type of Data do you want to Contribute?"

Perhaps another heading; 'Disability' could be used where a reviewer could comment on whether the film has an Audio Description track for the blind and partially sighted, whether there is a subtitled version (or sign language), for the deaf, and my personal bugbear, whether the film contains elements of text that may cause people with Dyslexia, Aphasia, Dementia and Illiteracy (DADI issues), reading problems. 

It is not just people with these symptoms that have a problem reading, many people as they get older find reading more difficult and they read slower. Some of the subtitles that appear on films are shown so quickly that even people who are proficient readers can struggle.

A section where people could find out this information would be particularly helpful.

Thank you.


2 Messages


82 Points

4 years ago

More region needed.

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I've found the trivia features to be lacking on some movies I've watched recently. This was not on the Imdb Answers form of concern. I'm interested to help out here for movies I watched, as I generally watch Q&A's after and interviews. Is there any effort on IMDB to improve this?

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I've found the trivia on movies to be lacking recently but it was not under the calls to help in IMDB Answers. I would like to help out here as I generally watch Q&A's and webinars for movies. Is there an effort to improve the trivia for films?

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I have looked at the feature, and would join if it allowed for me to contribute to film titles from more of the areas of the world whose films I am interested in, or films in more non-english languages. For example, why can't we contribute to Polish, Russian, Scandinavian, Czech, Slovakian, or Nollywood film listings?

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Just as every human being has to learn to walk before learning to run, IMDb crosses certain bridges one at a time, and in the order of from least challenging to most challenging. One to the note is that many of the existing features are still in the experimental phase of development, not quite seasoned enough to trust into the grownup world.

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I have looked at the feature, and would join if it allowed for me to contribute to film titles from more of the areas of the world whose films I am interested in, or films in more non-english languages. For example, why can't we contribute to Polish, Russian, Scandinavian, Czech, Slovakian, or Nollywood film listings?

2 Messages


82 Points

3 years ago


I guess if you insist on leaving out FSU or Russia, it will be a big mistake.



4K Messages


244.1K Points

@andrei_kuratov Just a note: I'm not sure that FSU as an abbreviation for "former Soviet Union" is something much people will be familar with. In the US especially it's predominantly will be perceived as Florida State University, for example. 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I don't know why people don't just preface it as "Russia and the many other former Soviet bloc nations", which is unfortunately longer than "former SSSR" but perhaps more concise, since describing it as the former union only really works trying to describe a vague geographic area, like a continent. I suppose, it is fashionable because of the recency of the existence of the union, because I don't ever her anybody referring to the "former Holy Roman Empire", the "former Persian Empire" or something something "Mesopotamia". Maybe reference to "former Czechoslovakia" might be uttered in rare instances.