4 Messages


100 Points

Sunday, September 29th, 2024 3:08 AM


Need help syncing photo with movie credit.

My 13-year-old son, whose stage name is CAMDEN LEE, just got his first IMDB acting credit. We're all really excited.

The problem is, I started a IMDBpro account for CAMDEN so his film credit will carry the correct photo. But I cannot seem to match that movie credit with any of his photos. 

When I type his stage name, "Camden Lee," I get TWO FILES -- the IMDBpro file I just created with his aforementioned acting photos and a second file, the 2024 movie credit for him, "Finding Us Again," in which he plays a teenager named "Robert Kathagan."

But no photo with the movie credit. Blank.

I can't seem to find a way to get his acting credit to include the photos already published on his IMDB Pro file.

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?



7.4K Messages


275.3K Points

10 days ago

Bentinsley: I see these two pages at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16562255/ (credit for Finding Us Again) and https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16566487/ (page with photo).

Inexplicably, the latter page did not get entered last name first like everyone in IMDb is supposed to be entered, whether it's DiCaprio, Leonardo or Spielberg, Steven or Streep, Meryl, but as an unreversed name.

However, this can all be resolved by submitting a merge for the two pages.

Go to the page for https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16566487/ (the one with the photo). Click "Edit page". 

On the next screen, on the Name Merge line, select "Add merge". Scroll down and click "Continue".

On the next screen, there will be a blank line on which to enter the corrected name. Enter it as:

Lee, Camden

As you do so, you should see a drop-down box where one of the choices is:

"Camden Lee

Actor, Finding Us Again (2024)". 

Select that choice when you see it.

Un-check the box marked "Preserve previous name on existing credits. i.e. '(as Camden Lee)'". It doesn't apply to this situation.

In the Explanation box, enter something like: "Camden Lee is my son. His one credit so far is listed at nm16562255, while his IMDbPro page with his photo is at nm16566487. Both of these pages are for the same person and so they need to be merged." Click "Check these updates".

On the next screen, you will get two warnings. One will say, "By unticking the box to preserve existing credits, you are implying they are incorrect. ..." Check the box marked "Warning understood, go ahead anyway"; this warning doesn't apply to this situation.

The other warning will say, "You are about to merge two separate name pages into one. Are you sure you wish to merge this name page into the page for Lee, Camden? ..." That's what you want, so check the box marked "Warning understood, go ahead anyway." Click "Re-check these updates".

On the next screen, your data should appear with a green background, and you should be able to click "Submit these updates".

Allow a few days for the merge to go through. If a week goes by, and the pages have not yet been merged, please come back here and ask for help.

Good luck!


4 Messages


100 Points

Dear Gromit82,

How many days did you say it might take to reconcile https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16562255/ with https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16566487/ so that my son’s photos will be on the same page as his acting credit?

It’s been two days. I followed all your wonderful instructions.

Please let me know.

MEANWHILE … On another, similar, note …

… my late father, Jack B. Tinsley, has an IMDB account for a background actor part he played in “The 4D Man.

it’s THIS ONE: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1087342/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk

The problem is, Dad’s original faceshot photo has vanished and someone keeps adding credits for movies Dad neither directed nor acted in.

All Jack B. Tinsley ever did was “The 4D Man.”

I’ve actually isolated a nice still of my Dad taken from the movie. (From back in the 1950.) Which would he nice to add to Dad’s IMDb file.

Dad died in 2004. So I’m the only one around to address the situation. But I have no idea how to go about accomplishing that.

Will I have to buy DAD his own ImdbPro account like I did my son Camden Lee?

Thanks for your time. If you’re not the right person to ask about my Dad issue, please let me know who is.





5.4K Messages


56.8K Points


Can we have your 18-digit submission reference for the name merge submitted?

If credits are submitted to the incorrect page please correct the credits doing a name split, follow our help guides.

Also, to have a picture on the IMDb name page you need to have an IMDbPro paid subscription, that is the only way.



4 Messages


100 Points

Gromit82‘S suggestion actually worked. It just hadn’t finished working by the time I wrote the last message. But it has at this time successfully merged.

All that info you requested was in the message I wrote. And I bought my son an IMDbPro. Which is why the merge worked

4 Messages


100 Points


It took awhile, but the name merge for my son’s files worked. Thank you!

Now I’m hoping to get help straightening my late Dad’s IMDB page. Am I going to have to buy a third IMDB pro account to fix that? 



5.4K Messages


56.8K Points


As mentioned, yes, to have a picture on your dad's name page there has to be a paid subscription attached to his page.
