jim_bloggs's profile

45 Messages


1.3K Points

Sunday, December 31st, 2017 4:32 AM


Naming people in photographs

It is almost useless to list names of people in photographs because there is no means of knowing who in the photograph has that name. Surely it is common sense to list the names in the order from left to right of the people in the photo?! For example, in the attached screenshot, who is who? NO correlation between names listed under the photo and the order in which they appear!!!

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

7 years ago

To help you on this one: ?, Lelouch, Costa-Gavras, Loach (?), Mungiu, Campion, ?, Lynch, Polanski

45 Messages


1.3K Points

Thanks Vincent for the names, but I would rather IMDb use a logical system rather than making photos and names of people shown a kind of 'Guess who the Celebrities are' game to play whenever I am bored!



3K Messages


72.5K Points

I wonder if this has anything to do with IMDb. It's not their photo and maybe not their caption?

45 Messages


1.3K Points

Sure it's not their photo, Adrian, but the IMDb web design team will have coded the names in the caption underneath, and whichever way they received the image and names, someone in IMDb should be professional and be checking the correlation of name order. It's common sense, isn't it? There's really no point in listing names out of sequence, as the primary purpose of adding names to any image is to allow the viewer to know who is who. Otherwise (as is the case currently) this is all a waste of time and effort.

6 Messages


132 Points

A small note: 'Jim Bloggs' is the pseudonym of Peter Hoare, who has added (with his real name!) the message below to Col Needham. Sorry for possible confusion, with different email accounts, things get a little muddled...

1 Message


60 Points

IMDB used to put the character name that the actor in the photo played but not any more they just repeat the actor name, WHY?

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

IMDB used to put the character name that the actor in the photo played but not any more they just repeat the actor name, WHY?
IMDb has removed the Character pages altogether. See this announcement: https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/changes-to-imdb-characters.

6 Messages


132 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled An appeal to Col Needham.

Dear Col

I have this week registered with IMDb and raised what I consider an important question in a message to the Help Desk: why is there no logic in the ordering of names underneath a photo of a group of people? The names are written in no logical order which means that a viewer has no idea who is who in the photograph.

I received this cryptic reply from your Help Desk:

"Currently names are listed in order of how long they have been in the database based the their nconst number."

What on earth is an 'nconst number'? And what relevance does this have in telling viewers the identity of persons in group photos?

It is common practice in any published medium involving text and photos of two or more people, be it in print or online, to list their names in a left-to-right sequence as they appear in the photo.

Doubtless millions of visitors visit IMDb daily or weekly, yet they are unable to identify people in photos because of the jumbled way names are listed underneath. Common sense says there is a clear lack of intelligence in writing names under photos if we can't know who they relate to?

This only happens on IMDb. Look at any newspaper, magazine, article, etc in print or online, and common sense is used in making sure that names are attributed, usually in a left-to-right sequence.

It amazes me that IMDb has not corrected this unbelievable anomaly ages ago. And that, as evidenced in the response by one of your staff, there is not even any hint of awareness concerning the complete irrationality and uselessness of this aspect of the site.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

We have merged this into this existing thread so other customers can comment and vote, thanks. 

Sorry for the reply from the help desk. We will follow-up on this as you should have been directed here. 

This is obviously a good idea and something we would like to fix.  Everything comes down to a matter of time and resources so we use feedback here on Get Satisfaction to help us prioritize the most impactful changes first. 

6 Messages


132 Points

Hi Col, thanks for the speedy response. Surely as IMDb is now owned by Amazon, there should not be any financial restrictions on implementing this fundamentally necessary change? Regards.

6 Messages


132 Points

Just a quick thought, Col:
I imagine that for your team to go through every film entry in IMDb to re-order the names of people in photos is a gargantuan task... Might it be an idea to start from now with every new film posted, that all photos with people show their names in correct, or otherwise recognisible, order, say left to right?
And, given this huge task of checking all current entries, why not employ the collective power of your millions of users and ask them to re-order names, as an incentive offering a reward for their work, say an Amazon DVD for every 50 films completed?

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

And, given this huge task of checking all current entries, why not employ the collective power of your millions of users and ask them to re-order names
Ideally, this would be something that every contributor could do via the Edit function. Having said that, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this. We're also still waiting for photo corrections to be added to one's Update History. Also, it's not possible to change the photo type of a photo, which sometimes make it impossible to suggest a better primary image for photos.
That all being said, the number of errors and omissions in photos has massively dropped in the last year or so because contributors can now add/correct/delete photos.