12 Messages
210 Points
My reviews are constantly deleted after being approved
I have already brought this issue up and I see many others have the exact same issue of getting reviews approved and then deleted. I was even told by a moderator that there was nothing wrong with my review, but it has been reposted 6-7 times and approved, BUT deleted within a few days afterwards.
What is going on? This seems to be happening more frequently. I was told to post them here for another review which I did, but now I am not getting responses.
Here is the code: #220505-153958-742004
After being approved multiple times I keep getting the "Your contribution has been declined. We did not capture a specific reason during processing." which isn't helpful because it doesn't tell us what the problem is, especially after a moderator here said it was fine.
thank you
2.5K Messages
25.7K Points
2 years ago
Hello filmcritic,
I reviewed your User Review for "House of Gucci", as the content was not in violation of our guidelines I have now reinstated the review and it should be live on the site shortly.