1 Message


70 Points

Friday, June 4th, 2021 10:34 PM


My review keeps getting deleted

On May 6, I submitted a review of Superhero Kindergarten, but it was taken down. I submitted another one on May 22, but it was taken down again, for absolutely no reason as shown in the pictures.

This is a very bad look and counts as censorship. I did not violate any of IMDB's review rules, I was just stating my opinion.
Please be honest with me. Are you being paid to delete my review by Genius Brands? The show's IMDB score, which currently sits at 8.9, was unfairly earned due to Genius Brands employees rigging the scoring system. Don't you think it's suspicious that many accounts were made JUST to praise the show? This has to be the work of corporate plants from Genius Brands, who also wrote false reviews for Rainbow Rangers and Llama Llama. 
Genius Brands is a shady, dishonest company that has been involved in a lawsuit for lying about Rainbow Rangers and is investing in NFTs to profit off a dead man, Stan Lee's name. So they're not only disrespecting a dead name, but NFTs are also very harmful to the environment.
Please delete all the fake reviews and restore mine, I did nothing wrong. 



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi BoxwoodExpress -

If your User Review derails from the content of the film, such as making accusations of fake reviews as per your first User Review submission, this is would warrant a "declined" status.  As per our guidelines, your review should only focus on the title's content and context.

If you observe User Reviews on the title page which are in violation of our guidelines, please report these by clicking on the "Report This" link below the review, fill out the report,  and our moderators will take a look and take the appropriate actions.
