12 Messages


210 Points

Monday, September 23rd, 2024 7:59 AM



My review is being declined

Why is my review being declined?  I see a pattern of political movie getting reviews and any type of criticism the review gets removed.  Can someone explain why my review is being declined?   I saw other reviews for the same movie get removed after a few days but all they did was push back on the movie's message.  Seems reasonable to make a comment about the film's message and/or political position, or don't make political movies.  Thanks

Review #240920-062823-421304



5.4K Messages


56.8K Points

15 days ago

Hi @filmcritic -

Review is in breach of our policies as it comments on political real life situations. Please re-write following our guidelines.


12 Messages


210 Points

@Bethanny​ But the movie is literally about political real life situations so how can we as reviewers not be allowed to comment on that?  Seems very odd to me.  Can you clarify that for me, please?  If a movie deals with real life political situations how are we supposed to review it?




1.7K Messages


17.3K Points

Hi @filmcritic,

Your review must focus on the title's content and context, and not contain personal opinion or speculation on real life events or subject matter on which the film is based.

This is outlined in our guidelines. We therefore encourage you to rewrite your review in accordance with the guidelines and re-submit.


12 Messages


210 Points

@Ozzy​ Thanks for responding, but the movie itself cover real life political events.  Are we not allowed to criticize that?  What if a movie is made about whale hunting can a reviewer not criticize the subject matter or does it only refer to politic movies we are not allowed to criticize?  I am really just trying to understand the policy.  How can we criticize a movie that deals with a political topic and specific events, in this case the election of 2016, where the movie infers it was illegitimate, but not allowed to make points about the movie commentary about those events?

My review was 100% related to the movie's content and context.  There is nothing in my review that doesn't relate to what was covered in the movie.



5.4K Messages


56.8K Points

@filmcritic​ Hi! 

As mentioned, please rewrite your review and make sure it sticks to the guidelines linked above.

We regret that we have not been able to address your concerns to your satisfaction, or take the actions you have requested regarding your submission.
Our customer service department will not be able to offer any additional insight or action on these matters.

Thank you for your understanding.