jeff_knite's profile

13 Messages


240 Points

Saturday, March 9th, 2024 3:06 AM



My Film's IMDb Rating Dropped Drastically Almost Instantaneously

Dear IMDb,

   I am the director of The Omicron Killer

My film was released theatrically in select theaters on February 22nd. Immediately following we received an IMDb rating in the mid 8 range. After about a week, the score settled into a 7.6 with around 50 ratings and 12 reviews. But then I checked the rating this morning and the film was at a 4.0. I looked into this and noticed we now have 258 ratings and 120 reviews. Most of the ratings are 10's and the reviews I have to admit look suspect. They either look like they were written by a foreigner, A.I. or someone not from this planet, LOL. So I am assuming you guys at IMDb lowered our rating because you think someone related to the project had something to do with this, but I can assure you that no one on our team would do this, especially since we already had a very good rating of 7.6. The only thing I can think of is, and this is only an assumption, is that someone overseas is responsible for this

because our distribution company sold the movie overseas so maybe one of the countries put in fake reviews and ratings to make the film more profitable. I don't know, it sounds stupid, but that's the only thing I can think of. Anyway, I feel like we should not be penalized for someone else's stupidity. Can you please fix this and eliminate all of the fake reviews and ratings, and give us back our genuine rating score of 7.6. Thank you for your time, and have a great night.

- Jeff Knite



2.3K Messages


23.4K Points

6 months ago

Hello jeff_knife,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Our voting system already detects and defeats attempts to stuff the ballot and skew the rating, as demonstrated by the difference between the weighted average and the arithmetic mean on the vast majority of titles in the database. For additional information about IMDb ratings and weighted averages, please refer to our FAQ.


13 Messages


240 Points

But your system did not detect and defeat attempts to stuff the ballot and skew the rating for our film. Our film is now at 408 ratings, up another 150 since I put up the post yesterday, and your system has done nothing to rectify the situation. All your system did was freeze our rating at 4.0 by not counting any of the 10's we got. This does not seem like a weighted system at all. It seems like your "System" just made up a number and froze us there as punishment for something that we did not do and is out of our control. I am asking you please to fix this, as many people worked hard on our film and none of us deserve this treatment by IMDb. All we want is a fair Rating.

155 Messages


2.4K Points

@jeff_knite​ Well! If you whant a fair rating. You schould maybe not do a review of your own movie and rate it 10.

13 Messages


240 Points

@Jimmi1996​ Everyone rates their own film Jimmi. The difference is I didn't try and hide the fact that I did it. I was honest.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@jeff_knite​ Hi!

We are aware that there are people who may vote for the sole purpose of trying to inflate/deflate the rating for a movie. We have several safeguards in place to automatically detect and defeat this type of ballot stuffing: even though we count and display all unaltered votes in the rating breakdown, we apply several countermeasures against all attempts to skew the rating for the weighted rating you see displayed on the site. Ratings are displaying as intended. 

For more information on our abuse detection methods, or details about IMDb ratings and weighted averages, please refer to our Ratings FAQ.


13 Messages


240 Points

You just copied and pasted exactly what the last person just wrote. You guys are not helpful whatsoever. Your "Safeguards" are not automatically detecting and defeating anything. All they're doing is not counting all of our high ratings and counting all of the lower ones twice. If your system was working correctly then our rating would be back at a 7.6, which is where it was before this whole ordeal first started. I really need to speak to a human being and not an automated system that pumps out automated responses.