16 Messages


276 Points

Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 4:41 PM



My film credits updates are continuously being denied with excuse of "not being able to verify." Even after providing proof.

The latest is Reference 220613-224459-358000.

I spent approximately 1 Hour correcting 36 cast credits of Dushmun ( 1971). 

First of all, IMDB , now in this age, in 2022, still have hundreds of Films (Generally Asian, definitely Indian) with wrong cast credit listing order. These credits - the wrong order of credits- are not even awaiting to be verified, they are magically verified !!! And when people like us to try to correct the order, they are denied because "IMDB is not being able to verify." They were able to verify "wrong" cast credits order which surely have no verification documents, but when we try to bring in the correct order, "Sorry, Not able to verify." Funny.

I provided a public YouTube link of the film in question where the title credits clearly appear, and my content update could have been easily verified. Still, seemingly, IMDB staff is blind to more convenient verification. This is a disrespect not only to me, or any contributor who spent hours to enrich IMDB, but to IMDB itself

Accepted Solution



17.6K Messages


314.4K Points

3 years ago

Hi aquarianbd -

I can confirm that your credit updates for "" have now been approved and the changes should be live on the site shortly.


16 Messages


276 Points

3 years ago

Thank you so much.

This restored my belief in you and also my confidence.Will be updating more

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276 Points

3 years ago

Hello @Michelle  and other IMDB staff,

It  has happened again. After posting here about  my credit update information always getting denied illogically on context of "could not be verified" ( even after offering proof in my explanations), IMDB/ @Michelle  intervened. My update was re-submitted by IMDB and this time it was accepted.

Encouraged, I updated the infos of another film (previously declined on the context of "could not be verified")and gave screen shots of the credits from my downloaded version of the film, as proof/explanation. But again "declined" because "could not be verified." ( reference 220615-205345-916000 )

there is a very very small chance that my uploaded photos didnot upload properly (but even if that miraculously happened, I could have been asked to provide secondary screenshot uploads instead of declining the whole contribution).

Do I need to post here every time after getting denied unnecessarily? May I know why I was denied before and this time? Is this a friendly interface?


16 Messages


276 Points

3 years ago

Hello @Michelle  and other IMDB staff,

It  has happened again. After posting here about  my credit update information always getting denied illogically on context of "could not be verified" ( even after offering proof in my explanations), IMDB/ @Michelle  intervened. My update was re-submitted by IMDB and this time it was accepted.

Encouraged, I updated the infos of another film (previously declined on the context of "could not be verified")and gave screen shots of the credits from my downloaded version of the film, as proof/explanation. But again "declined" because "could not be verified." ( reference 220615-205345-916000 )

there is a very very small chance that my uploaded photos didnot upload properly (but even if that miraculously happened, I could have been asked to provide secondary screenshot uploads instead of declining the whole contribution).

Do I need to post here every time after getting denied unnecessarily? May I know why I was denied before and this time? Is this a friendly interface?

For context-  https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/my-film-credits-updates-are-continuously-being-denied-with-excuse-of-not-being-able-to-verify-even-after-providing-proof/62a8ba23ae73c605a6860297

16 Messages


276 Points

2 years ago


I posted here  8 days ago. No replies yet. Neither is 25 credits accepted, or any explanation given

I actually dont know if someone is liable to give an answer, or it just depends on someone's kindness to help the contributors. At least I would like to know that, because one cant demand "kindness" but one can demand a logical answer , a solution-if someone somewhere is accountable. I would like to pursue this if IMDB considers "contribution supervision" an accountability. It would be great if someone let me know.



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@aquarianbd​ Hi!

First of all I want to apologize that you had to make a new post to get an answer, we are trying our best to work through our backlogged posts but we are aware that we still have some pending.

At this point if I try to open the evidence attached it gives me an error, not sure if it was not uploaded properly or it's just because the submission is too old. Submissions with evidence, specially evidence as strong as the end credits screenshots should be approved, if they are not this has to be escalated, do you have any recent example of this happening so I can take a look?

I understand the frustration you expressed with the declined submissions, especially given that you have taken the time and effort to provide evidence.

I'll follow up on this for you.


16 Messages


276 Points

Hello @Bethanny 

Thanks for your reply and concern. I dont have any "recent" evidence. Because, after there was no reply, I felt extremely discouraged, and didnt upload anything new. It was just after some 5 months or so, while checking on another Indian movie with inadequate information, I felt the need to knock again for the sake of "movies." In between I havent uploaded anything, out of anger and frustration.

My point is, if the uploads were faulty, I could have been told to re-send the uploads- in the rejection transcript or over here.I surely sent files, and as we are not expert internet workers here, we can make mistakes. We at least need guidance and second chances. I think, irrespective of the file not getting opened now, or irrespective of its reason, I deserve an apology (not from you) and an assurance this wont happen again.

However, I have the film in  possession . I can send screenshots again. But will that solve the problem in the long run? As you can see, this is not the first time my update got declined.

ps- I understand the files not getting opened again. May I know why my first upload (Dushmun) with youtube link as evidence was not verified, until an IMDB staff re-submitted it? Surely that can be checked, more easily? I request you to read my original post. (June 14)




5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@aquarianbd​ Totally get you. If you decide to do any more submissions (which we very much appreciate) and have any problem, please let me know here, I will follow up personally for you.

Regarding the submission with the YouTube video it was an error on our side, reason why my colleague resubmitted on your behalf and approved.


16 Messages


276 Points

Hi @Bethanny ,

Thank you so much for your attention and compassion. That really means a lot.

I dont want to be nagging, but I cant help but mention- if there was an error from your side, shouldnt imdb have said sorry? Shouldnt I be told how the mistake occured, and if someone made the mistake ( or decided to power play) shouldnt s/he say sorry? I mean, I know its a mistake from your side, I knew it when my upload was denied. I posted here for accountability. but where is accountability? After 5 months, I am told there are some mistake?! If the issue ended with the member re- submitting , I would have overlooked the "mistake." But mistakes continued to happen

 there was a mistake on your side. I reposted. Your colleague/IMDB didnt tell me it was a mistake/ how the mistake happened, they resubmitted. I decided to let go, made another upload, very soon, within 2-3 days. Another mistake occured. I re-posted, IMDB didnt reply. Is that the way you treat with mistakes? I am very happy that you will follow me from now on, but wasnt it IMDB'S duty to follow on me when the organization first realized mistakes are being made? We have colleagues too, but the organization, as a whole, stands responsible, if it desnt maintain accountability.

I know, its not your personal vendetta, and I am sorry for rude words. These words are not directed to you, but the organization. Please dont take them personally.

i do want to know what type of mistake (s) always decline my valid evidence, but even if you Don't want to be accountable, I will be doing updates, because you gave me some encouragement with your promise, and I love movies.



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@aquarianbd​ We appreciate you giving us that second chance. Again I'll follow up personally if any other problem occurs. Maybe it was a mistake too from our side not to apologize at the time, but we do escalate the error internally to avoid future errors, that sometimes takes more than 2-3 days which I am guessing is why it happened again, but we take the matter seriously and are trying to continuously improve our editors job. 
I will be around hoping to see your new submissions soon, and following up there are no problems with them :)

16 Messages


276 Points

@Bethanny  Thank you so much. I am happy with your reply. I am grateful that you bear with me.

Yes, I am uploading at the moment. I will be uploading those screenshots again, as well.



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@aquarianbd​ Always a pleasure to help our contributors :)

16 Messages


276 Points

and Again !!!!

230121-095913-968000 !!!

As proof, I had submitted youtube video link with full title under the first entry I submitted for change.That name is changed. All the other  credits I submitted for change ( obviously  all to be found in the same  youtube video linked below the first entry) are not approved.

So, my fault this time is I didnt submit the proof link under eVery entry?  its not enough to submit the proof once?!!!



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@aquarianbd​ Hi! I have resubmitted on your behalf. I do think it's better to attach the link to all the items as there is no guarantee they will all be processed in the same batch of information, causing that some of them will just show there with no evidence at all. I am not completely certain this was the problem here but better safe than sorry.

Let me know if I can help you with anything else.


16 Messages


276 Points

Thanks for your reply and help, I  really  appreciate it.

Its definitely safe  to provide the proof in all  contributions. But please remember, I changed somewhat nearby 10 items. Even copy/pasting something takes toll on one's patience.

I am not quite sure of the checking and approving process of IMDB.  I really dont know if A.I s approve contributions or not. But if any person approves, which is easier? For me to copy paste a link ten times or twenty times? Or the person responsible  (who is presented with the proof all the changes in one entry, if he actually checks the proof for once , a film title - he will get all the credit order change proof , once and for all)  to just check one proof attentively?

If they were different types of correction, I could have understand. But what is IMDB trying to say? They go to a track contribution of credits order change, got an youtube link for the title, saw the title, approved one cast credit change order, and then denied all the other cast change orders which were at the same screen he must have verified? Or someone approved one change order, and then the whole track was passed to another person on another batch without any notes??

This isnt responsibility. Either this is tyranny, or very unprofessional. The issue is tiny, but the message it passes is very heart-wrenching


16 Messages


276 Points

2 years ago

I have previously submitted many updates. Each of them were declined, although I submitted evidence the last times. At my wit's end, I posted here, and an IMDB staff kindly replied and said she submitted my entry on my behalf. Encouraged, I contributed another entry of a different film with my pc screenshot of end credits as evidence. (it was new mechanism for me. There might be some problems with the screenshot. If there was, I could have been asked to re-send etc) The entry has been denied !!! I reposted inquiring whether I have to post in the "Support" boards every time I submit an update, for an IMDB staff to resubmit on my behalf. There was no reply.


So, what exactly is going on? We are not being paid. We contribute out of our love from movies. Is this the respect or treatment we deserve? We should submit contributions, provide evidence, then again post here seeking help, if we are in luck, our posts will be resubmitted by a staff, or we will get no reply- is that a way to get treated by an International reputed company? Resubmitting the specific entry doesn't solve the problem, actually. Can we expect a little more accountability?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Can I get an accountable answer why my submissions ( with evidence ) are constantly being denied ?