7 Messages


134 Points

Thursday, February 6th, 2025 11:36 AM


My credit keeps being denied even with Booking Details, RABS verification of the movie being done with filming, and my placement.

Hello, I’ve recently tried several times to add a credit of mine, however it keeps being declined. I have provided screenshots of my booking information, my email from RABS stating that we are done filming, and my placement (Unit and date for film date)



2.1K Messages


21.7K Points

1 month ago

Hi @Mcrumbley, Please could you provide us with the 18-digit submission reference for you latest attempt to add this credit? You will find this in your Contribution History. Thanks!

7 Messages


134 Points

Hello, yes! #250206-095520-419000 I tried to also add the screenshot of my Unit but was made aware through the website that I couldn’t resubmit anything 

7 Messages


134 Points

In addition to the evidence I’ve provided I also have this which states my Unit and film date which can be verified with the booking information I’ve provided ❤️ urn:alx:doc:937a93d2-a8ca-450d-ba84-56832d6ccf2d:5c850750-fdf7-4fc7-a858-b470ea3ea80e



2.1K Messages


21.7K Points

Hi @Mcrumbley, Thank you for the submission reference. Your contributions were declined because the evidence provided was not sufficient enough. Please refer to our Help guide which details what evidence we require for "(uncredited)" roles: Sufficient evidence for self-submitted uncredited roles: Third-party news articlesCall sheetsReceiptsPay stubs Contracts   Also, I'm unable to access the additional evidence you've noted above. This would need to be added to a re-submission if it is one of the above examples. Thanks!

7 Messages


134 Points

@Ozzy​ hello, I’ve provided all of that… it’s still being declined… and thank you for telling me I’ll just add it to the case 



2.1K Messages


21.7K Points

Hi @Mcrumbley, The evidence you provided in the above submission is not considered sufficient. Any of the above examples would permit your credit to be approved. Thanks!

7 Messages


134 Points

Okay thank you for that, I just resubmitted with more “sufficient” information.  Thanks! 

7 Messages


134 Points

@Mcrumbley​ @Ozzy My new submission reference number is #250206-133952-941000 ❤️



2.1K Messages


21.7K Points

Hi @Mcrumbley, Thank you for the reference number. I can see that your credit has now been approved. This update will appear live across all IMDb platforms shortly. I hope this helps!

7 Messages


134 Points

Thank you so extremely much for everything!! ❤️