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70 Points

Thursday, May 9th, 2024 9:05 PM


My correction of writer for the icelandic film Nýtt Hlutverk (1954) keeps getting declined.

Reference number: #240508-003914-074000

I have tried three times to correct a very wrong credit of the writer for the icelandic film Nýtt Hlutverk from 1954. This is my comment from the last try:

"The short story "Nýtt hlutverk" which this film is based on appears in Vilhjálmur Sigursteinn Vilhjálmsson's collection of short stories, "Á krossgötum". He usually published under the name Vilhjálmur S. Vilhjálmsson, but the S. stands for Sigursteinn. Vilhjálmur Skúli Vilhjálmsson is a totally different person and many decades younger than Vilhjálmur S. Vilhjálmsson. As evidence I will include a link to the book "Á krossgötum" as it appears in Iceland's national library database: https://leitir.is/permalink/354ILC_NETWORK/16m2dtf/alma991000330719706886"

I have a copy of the book itself and could provide a picture of it. If IMDb deems it implausible to correct this credit to "Vilhjálmur Sigursteinn Vilhjálmsson" (authors full name) it should at the very least correct it to "Vilhjálmur S. Vilhjálmsson" so it seizes to credit a totally different person.

This information is 100% truthful and I believe the link included should suffice in confirming this information. This particular icelandic writer has been forgotten with the decades and I think it does him a great disservice not to receive his rightful credit for this film. It is also a historical matter since this is one of iceland's very first feature films. The fact that the current credited writer is in fact decades younger is also somewhat strange. This gives one the impression that the Internet Movie Database has no interest in keeping correct information for a smaller nation such as Iceland.



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

4 months ago

Hello Gummisosa,

I have moved the credit and approved the correction o your behalf, the changes will be on the site shortly!
